It began to render me anxious as well, all these eyes on me and hushed whispers. But what damage could a jaded Tom Riddle do in a Hogwarts class, with people of authoritiy watching?

"Of course, there should be proper etiquette and safety when dueling your partner, which is why you were tasked with reading a textbook to help you do so." our professor explained, but I hadn't read it.

"Now," professor clapped his hands together. "go!"

Everyone began dueling in their respective places and I immediately shouted my go-to defendant spell.

"Expelliarmus!" I cried, to which Tom dodged and shouted, "Stupefy!"

We both knew the spells we blundered towards each other were child's play. We had a certain look on our faces knowing that the other opponent could do much worse if it weren't for the authority people watching.

Tom and I went back and forth dodging each other's spells, and Tom seemed pleased by the amount of nonverbal magic I knew.

I couldn't help but be distracted by the amount of sabers of lights flying past me as other's dueled around us, not that I was worried they would hit us, as protective spells were casted so that only magic from our partners wand would affect us, it was just that it was distracting.

Not to mention, in the big, open space, there were no items to hide behind. Just many feet of marble flooring.

"Confundo!" shouted Tom, and he seemed rather pleased with himself as I was just too mere slow to miss it.

My vision became blurry and I began to wobble around, barely able to stand up straight. I could only see the very faint outline of the objects in front of me.

At the flick of my wand, I cursed random spells in any direction I couldn't see as a distraction so Tom wouldn't use my blindness as an advantage. He had gained the upperhand thus far, but I wasn't willing to give up just yet.

"Confundo? Are we in the first year?" I retorted, slowly gaining back my eyesight.

Tom narrowed his eyes at me, and I could tell this was much more than just a friendly duel to him. "Duro!" he shouted.

I dodged it. It was inches close to me.

"Depulso!" I shouted, the bright stride of color colliding with Tom's body.

I watched as Tom flew backward in surprise. His back hit the wall roughly, and he slid down as he hissed.

I could hear our professor yelling in the foreground to students who were dueling aswell, telling them who had been lost and who had won, and some were even disqualified for using magic that was not in proper etiquette. Because of this, the teacher had been to busy to look over at Tom and I.

He rose to his feet, his shaky hands rose up with his wand, and in a low voice he growled a single spell. "Expeliarmus."

Though, before he could, I used non verbal magic to deflect the spell he'd casted, and that's when our professor rushed over.

"Miss Kane, you aren't allowed to use nonverbal magic. Forfeit." he professed.

Tom's eyes stuck to mine, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Suddenly, once again, all eyes were on me. Whispers and chatter filled the room. Tom had done it again.

"Yes, sir, it seems I forgot the etiquette—" I faced the professor, before turning back to Tom. "Good round, partner."

"All in good fun, Miss Kane. I thank you for your congratulations," he stated, taking my hand in his own to shake as a token of good sportsmanship.

Though I knew it was all a facade. He was enjoying his supposed win—which was only due to my forfeit.

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇; Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now