AttentionNotFound -Chapter 17

Start from the beginning

George slowly took in a few deep breaths to steady his heart that was racing. He raised his head.

"Why Dream.." His tears became a well, spilling out from his eyes and streaming down his cheeks as he sobbed quietly. It felt too familiar.

What did I do wrong?


George sighed shakily, tears still falling, and shakily changed positions so he was laying on the floor. He heard his phone go off, but ignored it.

He soon fell asleep half an hour later, hardly being able to ignore the fact his heart was aching.




George woke up to the sound if a panicked voice calling his name. He rolled onto his back and opened his eyes and met with Dream's emerald ones.

"Thank god, you're okay."

"Wh-at?" George asked, yawning as he sat up.

"I- thought you passed out." [throwback to ch 8 rip]

Events that happened last night suddenly rushed into his mind. "Oh.. Well, I'm fine."

He looked at his phone and saw a bunch of notifications from "My Dream <3." Most of them were, "I'm sorry" and "I love you." George sighed and shut his phone off again.

"I made you pancakes."

"I'm not hungry." As if his body hated him, just then, his stomach grumbled.

"Says your stomach."


"Please? I wanna try make it all up to you."

"You won't be able to."

"I know, but I wanna try, even if I know I can't."

George sighed, giving in. Dream got up from crouching, and held a hand out for George. George reluctantly took it. He stood up with the help of Dream, and dragged himself to the door.

George was welcome with the smell of pancakes and syrup as if it coated the air.

Dream cleared his throat. "I know I haven't really been the best boyfriend ever, and I'm sorry for that. I'm really not good at this 'relationship' thing."

"It's fine, I guess."

"No, it clearly isn't, and I can tell."

George sighed. "I just-" He took in a deep breath. "I just feel like... you know."


"You're- cheating on me.."

Dream's mouth dropped ever so slightly, and embraced George tightly.

"I would never, George."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"I'm very sure."

George lightly returned the hug. "Thank you."

"Of course."

"Can we.."


"Today can we just sit on the couch and watch movies and talk?"

"If you want to."

"I do."

"Okay, sure. I'll get snacks."

"Wait, where's Sapnap?"

"Oh, he left to go out with some boy and they seemed really really close, I guess." Dream and George grinned at the same time, and started giggling. [keep in mind they stayed there for a few months already so yk]

"Do you know who it is?" George asked.

"No, but we can find out tonight."

"I'm happy for him." George said, smiling.

"Me too."


Dream sat up on the couch, while George had his head laid on Dream's lap. George closed his eyes and pretended to fall asleep as Dream ran his hands through his hair, twirling it every now and then. It was comforting.

They had been watching movies and chatting for hours. No phones were allowed to be touched, as they sat on the far end of the coffee table.

Then, as George was just about to actually fall asleep, he heard a knock at the door. He heard Dream sigh softly and felt him slowly move George's head, and getting up to answer the door. George squinted, just barely opening his eyes, and watched Dream walk to the door. He turned and looked over the couch [the place was like 🚪🛋 but the couch rotated to the back of the door kinda] and watched Dream open the door.


"Where have you been?!"

"Shh, keep it down. George is sleeping."

"Oh. Okay, but where have you been?"

"Just- hanging out with George. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you that I was canceling plans because we both agreed to not touch our phones for the time we were with each other."

"Well, that's dumb. Why are you guys suddenly hanging out though?"

"I- haven't been the best partner, so I wanted to try be better."

"Oh, well tell me if you need anything or something, I dunno." Rose suddenly pulled him into a hug, and he returned it.

It was just a hug it was just a hug it was just a hug, it was just a hug-

"Bye!" He heard Rose say and watched as she waved while walking away, and Dream shutting the door. George quickly switched back into his original position. Dream came back to the living room, shut off the tv, and came over to George. He picked him up bridal style, and carried him to the bedroom. George felt himself being laid down on the soft mattress, and felt it dip next to him. Dream brought George closer to him, and cuddled him as he fell asleep.

(1333 words)

Reminder: You are loved :)


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