AttentionNotFound -Chapter 17

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I'm sorry I need to make up my mind omg- okay so for this chapter there's gonna be a sort of introduction kind of that's 1st person pov for George, and after that it's gonna be 3rd person pov for George sorry lol-

Also, just so you know, George was never told that Rose was lesbian, nor that she helped with the little gazebo date (Sapnap drived George so he knew about Sapnap only).

TW: swearing

Note: George only uses Dream's real name (Clay) when he's in a deep emotion (affection, anger).

Dream has become a lot more... distracted lately. He's been on his phone a lot more, and whenever I come near him, he always tries to hide whatever he's doing on his phone, which is really suspicious to me, and he's been going out a lot more, without me, and never tells me what he's been doing, or sometimes even where he's been. It's become really annoying, but I don't wanna tell him, because I feel like I'd be annoying. I know I can trust him though.




3rd person

George leaned back into the couch, rubbing his forehead, his face expressions showing he was stressed out. Dream was supposed to be home already. They were gonna have a movie night. He was going out almost every night, and it really pissed me off, to be honest. His excuse was always that he went out with Sapnap, but Sapnap was in his room this time.

I wonder what his excuse is gonna be this time..

As if on cue, he heard the door open, and turned to see Dream coming inside. George got up from couch and turned to face him. Dream smiled at him.

"Are you read to watch a-"

"Where have you been?!" George asked. Dream stood there stunned for a moment from the sudden interruption.

"I was out-"

"Don't even try lie to me and say you were out with Sapnap, because he's in his room right now."

Dream hesitated for a moment. "I was just- going out to get a break from people."

George crossed his arms. "Why do you hang out with people so much then? And without me? Like, I could understand a few times without me and hanging out with people every now and then, but this has been going on almost every night! I try not to, but I'm starting to get really suspicious about you. You never seem to have time for me."

"George, it's not like that-"


"I-... I can't tell you."

"See?! You can't even tell me anything! You hide everything from me nowadays! What happened to you?!"

Dream fell silent.

"This is such a waste of time. I'm done with your bullshit. Goodnight, Dream." George turned towards the bedroom and stormed back into the room, slamming the door behind him. He ran his hands through his hair and leaned against the door, his back pressed up against it.

"I can't fucking do this.."

Calm down calm down calm down

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