ch 12; The leader of Kakariko

Start from the beginning

"Grandma! We have visitors... The legendary hero Link and his friend Link are here..." Paya says when they enters the building there Impa lives with her granddaughter.
Link pouts a bit frustrated and jealous of just being the 'friend' of the legendary hero.
Linkly smiles shyly and a slightly proud of being mentioned as the legendary hero.
They place the books onto the floor close to the entrance.
Then the two men are looking curiously around in the building and see the pretty old woman, meditating on a simple pillow on the floor between two pillars.
The old woman with straw-hat looks asking up at them.
"Oh?!... I can't believe my eyes... You both are here... At the same time too..."
Link looks shocked at her.
"Do you know me?" He asks her curiously.
Lady Impa nods.
"Yes... I were the one who helped your mother to give you birth... Then I helped her with other details around your birth..."
"How old are you?" Link asks.
"Rude!" Linkly points out and glares at Link.
Impa smiles gently at him.
" It was long time ago I've had counted the years...But I'm probably around 120 years old... I have perhaps even crossed the 130 line...But as I said...I've had stopped counting... Counting the years was fun up to fifty...Then it wasn't that funny anymore..." she chuckles.
The two men gasp shocked.
The leader of Kakariko village is over one hundred years and looks still pretty young.
They couldn't guessed she would be older than sixty or at most, seventy years old!
Linkly glances at Link.
"Ask her about Prince Sidon..." he begs since he can't ask that himself.
Link sighs and approaches the woman there he sits down with crossed legs in front her.
" My brother and I have recently been at Zoras domain there we met the sick king... He begged us to bring his son back since he only pushes himself to stay in life until he's had met his son one last time...And the king told us, Prince Sidon is living here...At Kakariko village... Is that correct? Do you know a Zora prince with the name; Sidon?" Link asks Impa.
The old woman with wrinkles in her tired face sighs.
"Oh?... King Dorephan's life starts reaching its end?... How sadly...Especially how everything has been between him and his son... But yes...Prince Sidon lives in this village" Impa nods and looks at Linkly.
"The prince will be happy of seeing you again..." she smiles gently.
Linkly jolts and walks against her and Link.
"Eh...Uhm..." Linkly says and stops walking when he stands beside Link.
He looks shyly down on the wooden floor between his feet.
Lady Impa hums thoughtfully and looks asking at him.
Link clears his throat.
"His memories have pretty much vanished and he can't talk right now... His ability to speak is pretty much zero too..." he shrugs and starts scratching on his bare foot.
The boots were too damaged. So, he's had took them off and thrown them away.
The tunic was a little ripped in the middle, but it doesn't bother him too much.
"I see..." Impa nods.
"Perhaps his memories will come back in pieces when he encounters places and people he's had met and been at... And his ability to speak will hopefully come back the moment his memories are restored..."she adds.
Link nods.
"It seems likely like that..."
Impa looks at her granddaughter.
"Paya... Take these two men and show them our extra room... They can stay the night here..."
Paya jolts and nods.
"Okay..." she smiles and walks against the two men there she pats Linkly's shoulder.
Linkly jolts and looks terrified at her.
She chuckles smiling.
"Come... I will show you the guestroom..."
Linkly raises an eyebrow and looks asking at Link.
"But... Shouldn't we try meeting Prince Sidon now when Impa can show us where he lives?" Linkly looks pleading at Link. Wishing to get some answers from the Zora while he can deliver the message from the king to his son.
Link sighs and looks at Impa.
"Perhaps we should meet the prince first..." he shrugs.
Impa smiles.
"No...Let's take that tomorrow... It's late... Let get some rest before you continue your journey..."
Link nods.
"Alright... " he says and stands up.
"Thanks for your hospitableness" he adds and grabs Linkly's arm and pulls him after him while he walks after Paya.

Paya takes them into a small room with a single bed.
"I hope you don't have anything against with sharing a bed..." she smiles shyly.
Link shakes his head.
"It's fine...Thanks..."
Paya looks asking at Link's damaged clothes.
"If you want...I can repair your clothes...Just place the clothes outside the room and I will repair them so they are fixed until the morning..." she suggests.
Link exhales smiling.
"Thanks...I really appreciate your help"

The bedroom is pretty dark when both Link and Linkly sleep peacefully.
Link peeks with his eyes and sees a weird looking man with white porcelain looking mask and bright yellow eyes.
The pretty much empty eyes filled with hate and desire after power, are looking intensive at Link.
Link's eyelids fall heavily back over his tired eyes and he snores a little.
Then he understands what he just saw.
Link jolts and sits panting up.
Linkly grunts bothered of Link's movements, but isn't waking up. Instead he turns around in the bed. Facing the wall instead of Link.
Link's heart starts racing of fear while his eyes tries looking around in the room.
But the awful man was gone.
Probably everything was just a bad nightmare.
Link exhales sighing and lays back down onto the bed.
He closes his eyes and tries calming down his pounding heart.
"No one is there...No one is there..." he mumbles to himself.
"He is dead..."
About five minutes later, Link falls back to sleep and the weird looking man pops up in the room.
Zant leans against Link with his face just a few centrimeter away from Link's.
The man makes weird shrieking noises and glares at Link.
"Link... You are...Back..." he hisses and disappears once again.

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