Chapter Eight

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I glanced back at Serena for a few seconds, as she was fluttering her eyes in surprise after my brother asked what's she is going to do next. "Uh, me? Uhm..." Serena hesitated, as her voice was stumbling. "Why don't you come with us?" My brother raised a question, as he has his typical qualities of a goofy beam and waited for Serena to respond to his topic of joining us to travel. "He's right!" Bonnie clamored to approve, as she was feeling eager to have another girl for our adventure and instantly hurried over, gripping into her arms. "Let's travel together! It'll definitely be fun!" She touched on, as I shook my head agreeing with her. "I think it's a great idea." Clemont express their support of the idea, as I looked back on the ground and recollection about what happened yesterday with Kasper immediate showed up.

"I was able to conquer the Santalune Gym thanks to you. It'd be...really great if you were to join us..." My brother asserted in an optimistic tone, as we were waiting for what's going to be her response. "Yeah. I'll come along if it's okay with you." Serena heartily accepted, as she was giving my brother a wink and hearing the others cheering on, as Serena glanced back at him with Bonnie tugging her towards us. "Oh, right. You guys are heading to the Cyllage Gym, right?" Serena asked in a sweet expression, as she was taking out the town map from her red double waisted skirt. "If you want to reach Cyllage City...Let's see...Ta-da!" She began again speaking, as pointing her fingers to the recent area. "This is Santalune City, our current location. And this is Cyllage, with Lumiose City in between. So we need to make a return trip to Lumiose City." She went on with closing the town map shut and putting away, as she was taking a few steps. "That's convenient. There are some shops in Lumiose City I wanted to visit, like place where they sell really cute clothes or ones with delicious sweets!" Serena declared sincerely, as I couldn't help myself watching Bonnie's mouth drooling when Serena was mentioning the sweets, which I just giggle a little.

"Now that's we've decided, let's set off!" Serena proclaimed clearly, as we began running off on the projected path, that she was showing us before, as expected Clemont lagging. "Please wait for me!" He was yelling in an panic tone in the back, as we were making our way out of Santalune City.

My legs strode joyous slow, too exhausted to move fast sufficiently, as I could watch Serena and Bonnie running forward, as they made their way through the route. "If we're passing through Lumiose City anyway, it'd be nice if I could challenge the Lumiose Gym while we're at it. " My brother was having a conversation with him, as I noticed Clemont is anxious, sweat dripping in his forehead. "Oh, don't concern yourself with that. Ash, you've only just come to the Kalos region, so you might be able to get a new Pokemon on our way there." He conceded, trying to change the subject and I narrowed down on my eyes on Clemont, having this strange feeling that he was hiding something from Ash.

Ash was searching for a new Pokemon to catch for his team, as Bonnie told him that is he going to catch a cute Pokemon, so she wanted to take care of it and Clemont glanced over his shoulders at Serena. "Come to think of it, why did you set off on a journey, Serena?" Clemont asked novelty, as we watched Serena immediately express and take a handkerchief out of her pocket, as she was strolling closer to my brother. "I've been meaning to return this to you." She cheerfully admitted, as my brother confusedly glancing at the material that Serena was showing him. "I told you...I went to Professor Oak's Pokemon Summer Camp in Pallet Town. Remember?" I fluttered my eyes a couple of times, when Serena was early mentioning about the Summer Camp that we've went as little kids. "Back then, you lent this to me." She began again sweetly speaking of how Serena was lost in a shady forest, looking for the rest of her group. "Hey, I remember that day Serena. When I was trying to get away from the group to look for some wild Pokemon, I watched Ash chasing after Poliwag towards the nearby bushes and the last thing I remember is Ash holding hands with Serena, walking back to the camp." I explained, my soft smile making Serena sending me a morality grin of her own.

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