Chapter 57: Panic

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Meanwhile, back in the lab on Votharon, Luke ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know how they're going to find the Resistance, and frankly, it doesn't matter," Luke said, his voice rising with panic. "Whatever the case, we need to warn Leia as soon as possible."

Lando watched as Luke started pacing back towards R2, still plugged into the wall. "Luke, wait--"

"R2, can you send a signal out to the Resistance from here?" Luke asked, flustered.

Before the droid could respond, Bixby spoke up, leaning against a table weakly, "He won't be able to. We don't have access to long range communications in the lower ring."

Air started having difficulty making its way to Luke's lungs. "We have to-we have to contact her," he barely breathed out.

Lando came over. He placed a kind hand on the Jedi's shoulder. "Luke, listen to me, we will. Till then, I'm sure Leia can take care of herself."


"Luke," Lando's voice was soft. "Breathe. Take a moment and breathe. The Resistance is going to be okay."

"I can't-I can't..." Luke found he couldn't say the rest, his body shaking. I can't lose her.

"Luke." Lando grabbed hold of his shoulders, staring into his eyes. "Look at me. Breathe in." He took a big gulp of air, and Luke followed. They held it for four seconds or so, before Lando exhaled, "And breathe out."

Luke obeyed, releasing the built up tension in his body.

"And again," Lando advised. And they continued with another deep breath. The two didn't stop till Lando deemed Luke okay.

"Alright," Lando whispered. "We're going to get out of here. Together. With the information we need. And we're going to contact the Resistance. Got it?"

Luke nodded, his body suddenly feeling very heavy. He honestly didn't know if he could get out of there without collapsing. It took all of his concentration to keep himself standing.

Chewie groaned from behind them, drawing Lando's attention back to the Doctor. "Now, you!" he practically shouted, "You're going to tell us how we can deal with this disease, so we can go!"

"But I already told you--"

Chewie roared at him, threatening him enough for the man to shrink into himself. "Okay, okay. There's no cure, but it could be possible to make a vaccine."

"How?" Lando stepped forward.

R2 beeped from below them all, swirling his head in intrigue. Bixby nodded at the droid. "Exactly," he began, feeling his neck nervously, "the disease is made up of two strains of viruses common to the Dunal system. Separate, they're non-lethal, but together? I mean, you already know."

"And?" Lando asked, waving his arms out in a dramatic sign of impatience.

"The two viruses on Dunal already have vaccines. You just need to modify them for this," Bixby explained.

Lando nodded. "See? Now, that wasn't so hard."

Bixby whimpered. "Oh, I'm so going to be executed for this."

R2 released another series of bwoops. Luke straightened, trying to regain himself. "It seems we're all going to be dead if we don't get a move on," he mumbled. "There's been an explosion and the elevator to the outer ring has been destroyed."

"Oh, great," Lando said. "Hey doc, is there another way out of here?"

"Besides the escape pods, I--"

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