Betrayal ~ part 2

Start from the beginning

Couple of minutes already passed. Geralt started thinking. He should quickly figure it out how to end Yen's spell. He was running of time. He didn't like the idea Yennefer being alone with Rience, not to mention he clearly wanted her dead. He thought this situation couldn't be more worse but then he heard her voice. He immediately looked at her.
"Ciri! What are you two doing here!?" Geralt freaked out. He was watching how Ciri and Matt were coming closer to him.
"Helping you." Ciri answered calmly and stood up next to him.
"What?! I don't need your help." Geralt stated. He was still angry that they were here.
"I think you're clearly in the trouble because you can't move obviously.." she admitted.
"I'm not in the trouble.." Geralt frowned. "Eskel and Lambert are with me." he was defending himself.
"Oh, really? Because I can see them anywhere.." she shaked her head.
"They will come soon, they should have take care of Rience's gurads first." Geralt answered calmly. "How did you two get here anyway? There are plenty guards everywhere.." he was confused.
"Nobody was taking care about the west gate." Matthew explained. Geralt got surprised.
"Fine, then leave before they will start taking care of it again." Geralt commanded them.
"I don't want to argue with you Geralt. At least let me help you." she sighed and she said deactivated spell. Geralt then could finally move. He stood up slowly and looked at them.
"Let me guess.. gift from Yennefer?" she crossed her arms.
"I wouldn't call it a gift.. but yes, she did to me because she thinks I'm working with Rience.." Geralt explained.
"How can she think such a thing ?" Ciri was confused.
"I don't blame her. She is still very confused about everything and to be honest I would think the same if she would find me in the same situation. I lied to her. I lied about who I'm gonna meet." Geralt was not proud of it but he did it to protect her.

"Alright, you will explain everything to her later, right now we have to help her." Ciri stated.
"We? You're two are going back to the Tavern. It's too dangerous here." Geralt was serious.
"We came to help you Geralt." Ciri couldn't believe that he was sending them back.
"I can handle everything without your help. So, I don't need and want you two here. These men are very dangerous for you and as I said Eskel and Lambert gonna be here soon. They will help me."
Geralt looked at them seriously.
"I know but it's still not enough. You once told me how Bonhart and his soldiers are very skilled killers.." Ciri explained.
"Yes, but this is different situation.." he sighed. "Anyway, didn't think it worthwhile to tell me, warn me of your plans?" he couldn't believe that she was so reckless.
"I'm sorry. I know, I should have.. but I feared you wouldn't understand." she explained.
"Ahhh.. feels like I'm talking to Yennefer." Geralt shaked his head.
"Geralt, you need our help. Trust me." Ciri begged him with her eyes.
"No, I can't risk it. Please leave before it will be too late." Geralt looked at her seriously.
"No. I made my decision." Ciri stated.
"Why the hell you would do this? You don't own me anything Ciri." he didn't understand.
"I do own you much more Geralt." she said honestly.
"Ciri.. please, maybe I wouldn't able to save you if something happens and I won't ever forgive me." Geralt was serious.
"I won't leave you alone." Ciri was stubborn.
"For fuck sake! Matthew get her out of here. Now." Geralt started to be helpless. Matt looked at Ciri and she shaked her head.
"I said something. Both of you leave! Now!" Geralt raised his voice.

Ciri wanted to say something but in that moment Lambert and Eskel stormed into the room and started running towards them.
"We have problem.." Lambert said when they stood up next to them. He was catching his breath.
"What?" Geralt couldn't believe what was happening.
"They found us and they are also too many on us. We have to leave. Quickly." Eskel answered for Lambert.
"No, we can't leave. Yennefer is with Rience. I can't leave her now." Geralt stated.
"You do realize that we are in the middle of Rience's fortress and his very good friend is Bonhart who has his very skilled murderes? We can't get out alive from here if we won't leave now. They are too many on us." Lambert made it clear.
"What do you want me to do?! Leave my wife here alone and let her to get killed?!" Geralt was irritated.
"She has to handle it on her own. She is the one who is powerful, not us. We don't have any choice if we want to survive." Lambert said calmly.
"You can't be serious.." Geralt shaked his head.
"I am serious. Right now this not just about you and her Geralt. You are also putting these kids into suicide.." Lambert was honest.
"Fine, then take them out of here and I'm going to save Yennefer." Geralt stated.

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