t r u e e n d i n g

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Okay, so for those that didn't get it. I'll explain :>

I guess in the end, I did spoon fed you guys. Lmao, maybe I went too hard and deep on the story.

All Flower Meanings, Foreshadowings, and Basically Everything


[Chapter 1: Anniversary]

- Fundy stood next to his car with a bouquet of flowers. He ran up to the other and pressed a chaste kiss on his lips. The other gave him the flowers and he smiled sweetly as he saw what they were.

Red roses, red carnations, and peonies

all of them are love

- They arrived to the location. It was a lake with a cabin near it. There's a small platform of wood close to the lake, surrounded by lights hanging off the trees and decorations. Then a table covered in a white sheet, with a glass vase that had a striped carnation and red one, and a small bell.

Fundy intentionally placed them there in case Dream goes non-verbal! Striped Carnation for "no", full-colored carnation for "yes." And Dream used them because he realized what they meant :)


[Chapter 4: Dress]

- He grabs the book and beams, it was a gift he got from Technoblade on his birthday a few years ago. The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. He read it all and loved it, George used to lay with him on the couch, listening to him read. He wishes for a chance to do it again.

Okay, yeah this one was tricky. The main idea in Dante's The Divine Comedy is essentially how people learn to attain salvation. Someone's journey through afterlife and going through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven.

Essentially if anyone actually searched this, the first thing they would've thought is that it's about George, but it's actually about Dream. I'll explain later! :>

- After all they got married when they were 19 and 22. Quite a bit too fast but they didn't regret it, they've known each other for so long.

If you calculated the story from all it's dates I've given congrats! Dream graduated high school at 18 and he's been together with George since middle school. A total of 7 years, now add another 7 for the total of when Gogy was alive and married to Dream. You have 14 years of a relationship.

That's why it's so hard for him to move on, guys give the two a break lmao


[Chapter 5: Hurt]

- "Throw it away," He turns his head towards the other, who just shrugs, "Stop holding onto me."

George tried to make this quick. The reason why he was so cold for the first part was because he wanted Dream to hate him. When he realized it wouldn't work and would only end up hurting the other more, he stopped.


[Chapter 6: Party]

- "You're such an Adonis."

Adonis died.


[Chapter 10: Reasons]

The chapter shows how much George is trying to resist Dream. Also it hinted at the end how Gogy died.


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