t h e f i r s t

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Two Years Ago

"Dream, can you interview my steed? There's a paper I need to pass to Schlatt in an hour, you know how your dad is. He'll kill me if I'm late and I don't have a degrading kink," Sapnap rambled to which he sighed frustratedly.

"Just get out," He agreed and the ravenette beamed at him.

"Love you man!" With that, his friend ran off while he was left with the envelopes of the files for the interview. He stood up and made his way to the interview room.

"You're doing Sapnap's job?" Techno quirked a brow at him as they passed the hallway and he laughs lightly.

"Yeah, my dad is going to eat him otherwise," He shrugs while the pinkette chuckles, "Do you want any help?" the other suggested and he shook his head.

"I can handle it fine, thanks for the offer."

He walked down the hallway, bumping into a ginger who apologized profusely.


"It's fine," He waved the other off as the ginger smiled at him.

He reached the room and sat on the seat. He scanned the files in his hand with an uninterested look. All of them look the same, professional.

Someone knocked and peeked in. Eret, a new employee gave him a small smile and he gestured for the interview to start, "send them in."

The first one on the list, Quackity. The other sat down in front of him, looking nervous as hell.

He read the file with a straight face, trying to strike fear into the other, "Quackity, you're a lawyer that graduated from Harvard. Aside from that tell me about yourself."

"Well, sir. I graduated above everyone else and I believe you should always go for the best. Which is this company for me and the best lawyer for you," The nervousness in the other went away as he stated those words.

He hummed, impressed, "What is your greatest personal achievement?"

"It hasn't happened yet but getting in this company would be it."

"When can you start?"

Quackity grins, "Monday?"

He gives a small nod and the other thanks him before leaving the room.

This was how it went a few more times, not going as well as it did before. So by the time the last person came, he was absolutely tired and annoyed. He wants someone confident, not some lame-ass boy who barely reached puberty. He didn't even bother reading the last file.

He sighs, leaning back against his chair as the door opened.

The ginger he previously bumped into walked in with a small smile, "May I enter?"


He chuckled, gesturing towards the seat in front of him, "Please, make yourself comfortable."

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