a n g u i s h

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Their kiss deepened, hands tangled themselves on his hair as he placed his hands on the brunet's waist. George sat on his lap, despite the coldness of the other he still felt comfortable with his husband here. It felt almost perfect, you can never really forget your first love.

2:21 am

Fundy was on the night shift, he didn't mind though. He had George to keep him company.

"Did you mean it? You were holding back?" He asked, hopeful that the brunet's words were true.

The ghost pressed a kiss to his temple, "You don't know how scared I was when you almost jumped off... at that time I—" George stopped himself mid-sentence as if debating is he should say it or not.

"Why? What's wrong?" He prodded, worried when the other gave him a guilty look.

"It's nothing—" George laughed it off, "I forgot," He decided not to question him further. So, he buried his face in the other's neck smiled.

"Anemones," The brunet started, "The day before I died, I sent you red anemones."

Red anemones that arrived too late. He received the flowers and left at the office in panic as he rushed to the hospital. They knew the meaning of the flower, they knew its origin.

"Techno's wrong. You're a lot more like Aphrodite than Adonis. Your cries mixed with my blood and then grew a forsaken love."

Does George constantly have to remind him of this? Is this really necessary?

The brunet leaned down to snake his tongue inside his mouth, hands pulling and tugging his hair, "My Dream—was mine."

He sobs through the kiss at the other's words, "Still yours," He mumbles as George pulls away.

"Not for long."

This pain, this anguish only grows.


10 years ago

They thought marriage was easy but not even a year after their wedding things were already a mess. Since they never experienced a big fight before this was scary for them. He and George laid at the opposite sides of their bed. He was trying not to cry as he remembered the brunet's harsh words at him.


"All you do is complain, Dream. Please, act maturely for once! You're not the one struggling to support us here."

"I just want you to let me help you—"

"You have projects due next week, college is more important, Dream. Go away, I can handle this."

"But George I—"

"Stop being an idiot and go away."

His cries seemed to have woke George up as the light of their lamp turned on. He hides under their comforter, trying hard not to give himself away.

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