The first reveal

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I was flying around looking for an exit and the more I looked out the more I got frustrated. I don't know where to look.

The others POV
I was looking around it wasn't cold anymore so the Kwami helped me a lot. I just hope I get out of here soon.

"Hello? Great. Then just call me back when you found them. Make sure all of them are out. I changed my interest. We don't need them here anymore."
*call ended*

I smirked. After she is done with kicking the hero's out I will meet (y/n). Should I give her a way to come to me? Not that she will run into one of them. I will wait for her.

New Villain POV
My name is Camouflage. I am helping out Lev since days or probably weeks. Time is passing by fast but I like it here. Well and him.
Or else I wouldn't be doing this. What I get from helping him? Nothing just the feeling of power.

I am strong and helping him feels amazing.
I am on my way now to Ladybug. She is stuck in the ice world Lev created. The entire dungeon is created by him. Isn't it amazing?

I saw her walking around but she couldn't saw me. The power of my Kwami is making me invisible for my enemies or even create someone who isn't me.

I was walking behind her and since Lev wanted her out of here I will kick her out of here
Bye bye little Hero.

I jumped on the ice and it broke. The illusion faded. Ladybug got kicked out of the dungeon.
My second victim was Chat. He was already out of the hole so guess I have to find him.

He was walking the path back he came from. Pretty smart if it would bring him back.
I was crawling on the wall above him.

I jumped down and he turned around. The last thing he saw before flying out of the dungeon was me.

 The last thing he saw before flying out of the dungeon was me

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Now the snake boy is left.
I jumped over to the sand world but he was gone.
Did he disappeared? Did the hero really fell for the trap of so he is no use for us anymore,
Guess I report now.

I called Lev reporting to him that all Hero's disappeared. It was time.

(Y/n)'s POV
I was flying around not finding and exit gate or anything it was like I was stuck. Until I saw the lighter from the beginning again. Lev was awaiting me.

"Follow me" was all he said until I landed.

"Where are you bringing me?" I asked as he just smirked at me.

"ANSWER ME" I said refusing to move forward.

Weaves grabbed me and made me move forward.
"Fuck Lev. Stop it."

"Detransform" he commanded as I looked in shock at him.

"No way" I said as he grabbed the miraculous and I detransformed.

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