Rizzoli & Korsak rule breakers

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Rizzoli goes back to the site and uses her previous relationship with Casey to get on the premises. CASEY still had a crush on his childhood girlfriend and was forever helping her with information that he was allowed to. This time was different.  She didn't need information.  Jane only needed for Korsak and Jane to review the homicide site. Casey took them in his government car.  Casey was in charged of special investigations for the Army.

Jane made sure she brought speciality coffee, donuts and fruit for all the guards at the site. Her mother raised her not to come empty handed especially if you need help.

Korsak, Jane and Casey brought infrared lights and several other tools with them to search the area. Korsak finds a piece of gravel that no technician saw. He bagged and labeled it and placed it his coat pocket. Jane came across some additional prints that were never dusted. Casey found an additional knife and rope in a pipe by the release valve by the main controls for the warehouse. Each of them took pictures and made sure each one had all the same pictures. They weren't taking a chance of any opposing agency to find out they didn't have all the pictures.  They left the area quietly. Jane asked for all the empty boxes and coffee cups back. She was making sure she wasn't leaving any proof that they were there.  Korsak was proud of how Jane's criminal and other skills have improved in the last three years.

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