Morning of the event

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JANE WOKE UP SORE from the floor and decided to take a jacuzzi bath to loosen her joints. Maura woke up after she heard the jacuzzi draining.  Morning babe and gave a quick peck on her lips.  Maura went and took a cold shower. Maura takes cold showers after sex like they had if she is alone in the shower.

Maura always had a light breakfast, yogurt with granola with her
juice and coffee. Jane on the other had waffles,  sausage, juice and coffee.

Jane tells Maura she is going into town to buy her several satin sheets for the bed and some more pillows and plans on meeting with the guys to find out the plan of action to find out about the homicide with the cross bow.

Maura has her mask on as per safety measures and the rules for this year event because of covid. Maura goes to the area to practice, since she hasn't practice for several years. She doesn't want to look foolish as the red dot. While there and taking breaks with some of the other contestants she is checking the bows they are using. Each bow maybe made by several manufactures but when released each bow will have a unique mark. Maura has already memorized the mark from the homicide victim. Maura has already eliminated 35 contestants before Jane returns.

Maura updates Jane and Jane updates Maura on the exact name of the poison that Susie informed Korsak. Maura texts Susie to find out if she found any other markings or peculiar substance in the guys body.

Maura goes to the main aisle when her name is called.  Everyone claps amd whistles that the red dot is back in play.
Jane still cannot believe that she never knew about her being the red dot. Each contestant is given three tries and each landing or non landing counts. All of Maura's two arrows land in the center of the target.Maura noticed one of her old nemesis is a contestant.  Maura and this lady were forever competing throughout her school years.  Her nemesis was speaking with her girlfriend stating a little loud for Maura to hear that Maura cheated in their last tournament for the state. This got Maura to glare at the lady. Maura says outloud, no I never cheated, but you did on several occasions but I never reported you. I didn't need to report you because I knew back than I was a better player.  The crowd is quite to hear the challenge.  Okay, Maura lets see if you still have it in you and split the closest arrow to the center. I will even add five thousand to the pot to go towards the charity of your choosing.  The rules of this event that they couldn't receive gifts or cash prices but donations to charities was allowed. Maura asks Mary what is your charity.  Mary says veterans rehab in  Tennessee. Maura says her charity is kidney hospital surgery in Boston. Jane knew five thousand wasn't alot. Several of her former classmates joined in on the bet. Five thousand each. If Maura wins, her charity would receive fifty thousand.  Jane would make sure her charity would receive an additional 25 thousand from her own monies.  The  judges silence the crowd. Maura pulls out her old lucky arrow that beat Mary many years ago. Mary recognized it and grinned at Maura.  Maura sets up her arrow and splits the other arrow.  Red dot turns around and takes a bow.  All of the ladies handed Jane their checks. Mary said wow, red dot you still have it and walks away pissed.

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