Rizzoli's plan on honesty

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Rizzoli leaves the station and goes home. She gets home and changes in her running gear and heads out with her ear buds on.

Maura takes a mental health day off to clear her mind. She gets home and contemplates yoga or a run to help clear her mind.  Maura changed into her designer running attire and places her ear buds on.

Jane and Maura go jogging but don't realize they are in the same vicinity of jogging.  Jane starts to slow down and stops suddenly when she sees Maura stretching. Jane stomach starts to turn and she runs to the nearest trash can. Maura looks up and sees Jane vomiting.  Maura runs over to Jane offering her a towel and water.  Maura wipes Jane face and Jane's face turns red.  Maura encourages Jane to sit down for awhile so she can rest.. Maura tells Jane that she knows something is bothering her and she really wished she open up to her. Jane says why don't we go to   Java International Coffee House.  Maura smiles because she knows Jane dislikes pretentious coffee places. Maura says she will pay and Jane is reluctant but and says fine. Jane orders a cappuccino with a bagel while Maura orders an expresso with a croissant. Maura pays and they both sit in an area out of the way from the other customers.  Jane takes a sip and a bite out of her bagel with lots of cream cheese on it. Maura laughs at Jane because Jane has cream cheese on her upper lip.  Maura wipes it off and Jane gets butter flies in her stomach.  Jane tells Maura okay I drank a new coffee now you have to do what I ask.
Maura tells Jane okay a deal is a deal. Jane smiles and tells Maura to dress warm and comfortable and pack a weekend bag of warm clothes for outdoors.

Jane tells Maura I will pick you up Friday from your place at 6p.m.
Jane and Maura leave and jog back to their homes.

Jane tries to sleep but tosses and turns all night. Jane finally falls asleep at five in the morning.

Maura goes home and takes a warm bubble bath to unwind with a nice glass of merlot.  Maura turns on her sound system and listens to bach. She steps into her Jacuzzi bath and relaxes drinking her wine. Maura falls asleep in the jacuzzi but wakes up when the water gets cold. Maura looks at her clock and sees its. Midnight.  Maura cannot  believe she fell asleep for three hours in the jacuzzi.  Maura gets up and dries herself off and exits her bathroom  but turns off bach before she goes to bed naked. Maura enjoys the freedom of sleeping in the nude.  Maura wakes up for work refreshed and begins to pack for a surprised weekend with Jane.

Jane wakes up at 6:30 a.m. and moans when she realized she only slept for an hour and a half.  Jane gets out of bed and packs her bag.

Jane meets Maura at the Daily Robber for coffee before they start their work day.

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