cross bow opening dinner meet and greet

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The park ranger tells the gals he had no problem registering Red dot late. The judges and other shooters were excited to see red dot come out of retirement.  It has been over 15 years since red dot competed. Korsak and Frankie dropped their extra luggage and gear at their cabin going unnoticed. All the judges, event staff,  contestants and guests were at the opening dinner for the event.

Everyone was eager to see red dot and her special friend, Jane. They could see Jane's beauty and could tell Jane was a sport enthusiast. Maura ate a chef salad with pasta and a glass of pinot and fiji water.  Jane was a meat and potato and pasta type of girl. Jane had a New York steak,  garlic potatoes, broccoli and carrots along with a side salad and her dark beer. Maura laughed and said babe I bet you will double on desserts and bring dessert back with you to the cabin.  The opening dinner ended and everyone went back to their cabins. Thr first cross bow event started at ten sharp.

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