Lunch time

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Maura or aka as red dot signs autographs for several of the teens who showed up for today's event.

Jane gets Maura and her a table far from everyone so they can discuss their strategy.  Lunch menu options:
Cobb salad
Spinach salad
Mango salad

Egg sandwich
Tuna sandwich
Roast beef sandwich

Orange juice
Cranberry juice
Fiji water
Cherry cola

Maura chose the mango salad and cranberry juice and fiji water.  Jane chose the cobb salad, roast beef sandwich,  fiji water and a Dr.pepper.

They each noticed the group was now separating into single or double teams.  Maura played in the single category because she hadn't had time to get a partner for the double match because Jane and her showed up a day late.

Word got around real quick that two detectives were on the premises looking at their bows.  The women were mad, but they couldn't do anything about it. Korsak and Frankie had a search warrant.  They informed the ladies that a homicide occurred this week and the man was shot with an arrow and died. Some of the women were scared while others didn't show any emotions.  Jane noticed Mary took her girlfriend aside to comfort her because her girl friend received a call stating her cousin was killed this week. Mary's girlfriend had no clue her cousin was the one who was killed and korsak and Frankie were there to find her cousin's killer.  Mary tells her girlfriend, Becca, that she cannot leave the grounds or she will be disqualified. 
Becca nods and gives Mary a kiss and hug before she leaves the grounds to meet her aunt and uncle in Boston. Mary is in the single category because she doesn't believe in teamwork. She only has faith on her own performance.

A CEO from one of the arrow manufactures arrives and greets all. She speaks before the second phase begins and wishes them well. She tells them that her company is adding to the winners cash prize by 100,000 thousand dollars for the double and fifty thousand for the single winner. Now the cash prize for single is now $200,000 and double is now $75,000 thousand each.  Every champion wins either a Mercedes or hummer.  Now,  the new amounts have got the crowd all hyped up.

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