Rizzoli and friends

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Rizzoli loves her new job as a detective and her friendships but something is missing and she knows its a love life that she wants desperately with her best friend Isles. Jane is afraid if she tells Maura her feelings for her are changing that she will lose her friend for good. Instead of telling her, she continues to work along side her fantasizing what a relationship with friends benefits would look and feel like. Jane goes to work and meets Maura at the Daily Robber for their morning expresso for Maura and Jane's normal black coffee. Maura teases Jane and tells her please get out of your normal order and try something new. Jane when you decide to change your normal coffee order, I will do anything you want me to do as long as it doesn't embarrass me in front of our colleagues. Jane thinks about this idea and tells Maura she has an idea but is afraid she will tease her and ignore her later. Maura looks at Jane with a serious look on her face and tells her, I would never do such a thing. I would love it when you ever do decide to get out of your normal routine and be adventurous. Jane thinks about it and states maybe one day I will surprise you but it won't be today.

They get a call and they leave the Daily Robber with their coffees together. Jane asks Maura was she serious if she orders a different type of coffee will she really do anything she asks of her. Maura reaches over slightly touching Jane's arm and says yes. The touching of her arm only lasts a few seconds. Those few seconds is what gives Jane the courage for tomorrow mornings coffee order.

They arrive on the scene. Jane gets out first and joins up with korsak. Maura is not too far behind. Jane tells korsak tomorrow wish me luck I am going for it. Korsak gives Jane a smirk and states about time. Maura only hears korsak's comment about time. Maura asks Jane and Korsak what she missed in the conversation. They both say nothing at the same time and Maura gets this weird feeling something is up but doesn't push it. Maura hopes whatever it is Jane will tell her. Maura has been noticing the past month that Jane is more moody than normal. Maura looks at the body and begins to tell Jane and Korsak the approximate time of death of the man in the alley. Maura notices a white film under his body when they move him. Maura yells out loud to all to move far back. Korsak, Jane and the others do and ask Maura why. Maura states to Jane that the victim has been exposed to a chemical that can kill them all if they breathe it in. Jane says what the fuck, you serious. Ah fuck Maura another shower and my favorite blazer will be ruined. Maura is miffed, you are worried about your cheap blazer, I am losing a new pair of shoes. Jane tells Maura suck it up. Come on Maura, you know once we get back to the station, you will be on your laptop ordering more shoes. Korsak chuckles at both and says ladies we have a job to do. The haz mat team shows up and has all of them strip and place their entire clothing in sealed bags to be tested.

They get the green light that they are good but their clothing will be burned. Maura sheds a tear and Jane laughs. Maura is mad at Jane for being insensitive to her feelings. Jane tells Maura suck it up. Maura says haha there goes your favorite blazer and the last laugh is on you. Maura is truly hurt and asks Frankie to drive her back to the station. Jane says fine Korsak lets go we can talk shit about Maura on the way back. Frankie looks at Jane and Maura. Frankie knows something is wrong but stays out of it.

On the ride back to the station, Frankie asks Maura how are things in general going. Maura blurts out to Frankie that Jane is getting more moody each day and it's getting unbearable for her to continue to be around her best friend. Frankie tells Maura its okay this'll pass. Maura says Frankie I don't want it to pass, I want Jane to be able to open up and be honest with me what is going on with her that she is so dang moody more than usual.

Jane and Korsak talk candidly with one another about Jane's true feelings for Maura. Korsak tells Jane if you don't tell her soon, she might lose Maura altogether because her moodiness is getting worse and is pushing Maura away.

Jane says fine I will change my coffee order tomorrow. They get back to the station and Jane tells Korsak I am taking the rest of the day off. They say their goodbyes.

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