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Maura and Jane get back to their campsite. Maura and Jane make a very healthy thick turkey sandwiches with the works with potato  chips and water.
Jane and Maura cuddle by the fire and talk about everything, past relationships,  family ,work and what they want out of their relationship.  They both agree that they wouldn't tell others until they are ready. Jane does reveal to Maura that Korsak is the only one who knows about her feelings for Jane and knows about her weekend plans. They both agree no one else and they know Korsak won't blab to others. They enjoy the sunset looking and starring into each others eyes. They both decided to go to sleep and cuddle only because they were horny but knew relationships were not just about sex. They both wanted to know they are mature enough to hold one another. They fell asleep and woke up the next day to screams which wasn't theirs.

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