second day of single competition

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Everyone walks out of their cabins with their masks on. Jane sees it as a bother but wears one for me and to comply with the event rules.

Maura waits her turn patiently while I walk around speaking to the ladies. Maura gives me that stare,  don't you go flirting -she raises her voice for me and all others to hear.  SHE IS TAKEN SO DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.

At that time of course Frankie arrives to hear that. He walks straight up to his sister, Jane, please come with me. I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS FOR YOU ONLY. Jane says okay, but you don't have to grab me the way you did. She hits him in his shoulder when out of the site of everyone else. What was that for Jane? Well, I didn't give you permission to place your hands on me and women always want to be asked. Frankie have you not learned that by now? Yeah, yeah whatever. Jane I demand to know what is really going on with you and Maura. Oh really Frankie, you demand. Frankie your not my father and you are my little brother. So don't try to demand anything from me or I will beat you like when we were kids. Janeee is the nickname he uses for Jane when he is sorry. Janeee please tell me. You knowI have kept all your secrets all these years and some of them haven't been easy especially with ma. Jane walks away and joins Maura and hugs her and whispers in her ear. We need to tell Frankie at least.  I DONT LIKE HURTING HIM AND I CAN TELL HIM NOT KNOWING FOR SURE IS EATING HIM UP. I NEED HIM TO BE FOCUS ON THIS CASE NOT ON US.Maura agrees with Jane and tells her after this event for the day, they will both speak with Korsak and Frankie. Jane gives Maura a little peck on Maura's cheek and wishes her well.

Maura is called UP and catches her off guard. Maura knows that the better shooters always goes towards the end. This really bothers Maura that the judges may not see red dot as a threat anymore.  Mary smiles and winks at the judges.  Maura feels the judges are in cahoots with Mary. Jane sees the glares from Maura and Mary and a few of the judges.

Maura gets her signature arrow out and shoots one and hits the target dead center and pops out. Maura raises her cross bow as a signal for a judge to go look at the target to find out what is going on. This particular judge wasn't bought off like the others by Mary. This worries Mary big time. The judge removes the target and puts a new entire target and holder up. She brings the target back and informs the judge this target was compromised.  Her fellow judges ask how. She cuts the target to reveal that this target was tampered with foam and steel.  Any thing that would hit this target wouldn't stay in and it didn't matter if the shooter was a pro or not. She makes an announcement to all and informs that the event will have a two hour delay and asks for all to leave the area.  Everyone is like what the heck is going on. No event has ever been delayed like this unless the viewing was too poor to shoot. They all leave the area as instructed. This one judge can see that there is a fix but doesn't know why and who is behind it. Since she is the head judge she calls for all targets and stands to be replaced and she herself will inspect all targets once they are set up.

Social media is going wild with all the conspiracy theories.

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