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Ashlyn POV.

There were loud obnoxious beeps making noise in this small white room. I wasn't sure what had happened in the last 24 hours and I wasn't sure why I am now sitting here next to a hospital bed. But I know that when this man wakes up he wouldn't want to be alone, so I wasn't going to let him.

I knew virtually nothing about the beaten up man apart from his name, yet when Harper came panicked to my apartment something told me I should visit him. The whole time we was at that party the other night we were practically inseparable, he was kind to me and made me feel welcome. So it's the least I could do to make sure he's okay.

It was currently just me sitting beside the long bed, nurses would pop in and out every now and then to check on him. I got here around 4 hours ago and since then Punz came to visit with a cleaned up Harper, they didn't stay for long but George woke up for a little when they were here.

Clay had been here before I arrived, I told him to go home and sleep as he had been here all night. I would have visited the night before as soon as Harper came to tell me but she told me Clay was here and I didn't want to intrude.

As for Sapnap, I had no clue where he was, only that he hadn't bothered to show his face here. Which didn't surprise me one bit, he didn't seem like the type to check up on his friends when they needed him.

I felt a slight movement from the bed next to me and when I turn to look George is smiling at me.

"Still here?" He laughs slightly, bringing his hand to his ribs as though it hurt him.

"Of course, I'm not going to leave you on your own." I smile back. "How are you feeling now?"


"Did you want me to check with the nurses if you can have more pain relief now?"

"No it's fine, thank you."

"What happened George? Who did this?"

His face stills and he looks towards the wall opposite his bed, his face was showing no emotion and his smile that was once there was now a straight line.

"I- I don't remember."

I didn't believe him, he said it with a straight face but zero confidence. Someone has hurt this man and he was afraid to say who it was.

"Okay." I sigh, "I'll be right back."

I stand from my seat and make my way out of the room. The hallways of the hospital were relatively quiet and I couldn't see many workers around. I wanted to speak to a nurse about what affect this accident will have on him.

After a few minutes of pacing up and down a few hallways I felt lost, everywhere looked the same.

"I fucking told you I'll get you the money."

I could hear an aggressive tone coming from an empty hospital room. I walk in the direction of the noise, when I think I'm at the right room I peer my head round the doorframe.

"Excuse me miss?"

"Shit!" I jump.

Behind me was a petite lady in a nurses uniform, she had a puzzled look on her face.

"I'm so sorry. I just heard shouting and I wanted to see if they were okay." I lie, really I was just being nosey.

"Oh. In this room?" She points the room were closest too.


I follow her as she walks into the room, only the room was empty and there was no voices from inside it. That's strange.

"Must've been the wind." She laughs it off, probably thinking I'm insane. She starts to walk off and I remember why I was walking around lost in the first place.

"Wait! Sorry could I just ask you some questions?" I ask.

"Of course!"

"I'm here visiting George Davidson in room 20 on the B ward, I was asking him some questions earlier and he kept saying he couldn't remember. Do you think there's any chance of memory loss from his incident?"

"I'd have to look into his files quickly, but I have to ask are you family?"

"I'm his half sister." I smile, whilst lying to the poor woman's face.

She smiles in return and leads me down the hallway and back in the direction of George's room. Before we reach the room she goes into a smaller office to the side of it and asks me to wait outside.

"So he didn't receive any hits to the head, nor is there any damage on it so his confusing is most likely just due to the shock of it all." She tells me.

"Thank you. Is it just a matter of healing and resting?"

"He has two fractured ribs which will take time to heal and he will be in discomfort for a while, but other than this yes healing and rest is what he needs."

"Thank you-" I look down at her name tag, "Laura."

I turn away from her and walk back into George's room, only when I walk through the heavy door I'm met face to face with Sapnap.

"Look who finally showed up." I shove past him and walk back towards my seat next to George's bed.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"He's been here nearly 24 hours and you've only just decided to show? Such a good friend."

"No one told me." He lies straight to my face, I knew this because after Harper's panicked visit to me last night she messaged all of them.


"Why do you always have an attitude?"

"What?" Was he really going to call me out for having a fucking attitude.

"Yesterday, when I was trying to apologise to you. You left so quickly, why?"

How confusing was this man. First he asks me why I have an attitude and instead of responding he brings up a completely different topic.

"Go on ask me another question." I was starting to become irritated at his presence and I didn't want him to wake up the now sleeping George.

"You're a bitch Ashlyn." He fumes.

"Sorry?" I didn't want to feed into his little tantrum.

"Fuck!" He flings his hands in the air, "You seemed so easy!"

What the fuck was that supposed to mean.

"Excuse me?"

"Too innocent to understand?" He smirks.

Was he referring to getting me into bed? That fucking bastard.

"You're a prick!" I whisper shout not wanting to bring anymore attention to this argument.

"What? You came in wearing that tight green lace, with your boobs popping out." He taunts.


We both turn to a confused George rubbing his adjusting eyes, from the bright white lights of the room. Fuck, I knew he was being too loud and now he's woken George.

"Why are you two shouting?"

"Nothing, your friends just being a dick!" I tell him. "Look I'm going to go now, I hope you start to feel better."

I clench his hand slightly and give him a warming smile, then pick up my bag and leave through the door. I don't bother looking in Sapnap's direction, I didn't want him to think he had won.

While I was walking down the empty path towards the exit I couldn't help the tears that were pricking my eyes. Sapnap had a sour personality and I didn't want to be around him any longer. I don't know why I even thought for a second he could be nice, he was clearly apologising so he could try to get in my pants one more time. Arsehole.

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