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Ashlyn POV.



The shouts for my name started to get louder and my eyes focused back in on the room.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologise to a confused Mrs Keaton standing before me.

It had been a few days since the wild celebratory party and I've been in this lost state since then. This was my first shift back at work for my new promotion and I was already fucking it up.

I was wearing a long sleeved black bodysuit tucked into black paper-waist trousers, this was the only outfit that would hide the purple bruising on my wrists. They were sore and tender, occasionally I'd accidentally knock them and be reminded of what had happened. I have been trying to cover them up with makeup but they're a deeper purple today and this was the only way I could hide it.

I hadn't seen or heard from Sapnap since that night and I was thankful for it. In my drunken state I enjoyed that kiss and the way his lips felt against mine, but now it makes me feel sick. He manipulated me into kissing him and I completely fell for it.

I shake my head and bring myself back into the room once again. I was currently in an important meeting about my new job role, just going over the basics and what my role will actually be.

"So obviously being Vice Manager we will expect you to be available at any given moment between 9am-7pm as these are our operating times. Will there be any issues with this?"

"No that's completely fine!" I smile.

"Okay and did you bring in your portfolio for us to assess?" The grey haired male across from me asks.

"Here." I hand him the black ring binder from across the table.

"Perfect, there isn't much more to add as of yet. Your first official day as management will commence next week!" Mrs Keaton adds.

"That's amazing, thank you so much!" I smile.

I get dismissed out of the room and Mrs Keaton informs me I can leave early today as she would be in meetings for the rest of the day. I was happy about this as I was tired from a restless night last night. 

I grab my bag and apartment keys from my office and begin to leave the large building. I've always thought this building was beautiful, there were many grand staircases that were painted gold. It made the area look very luxurious and really lived up to the company name of Jewell's.

"See you next week!" I wave at the receptionist, earning a wave back from them.

The receptionist here were lovely and they had always been there for me if I was running late or needed help with projects. They weren't the best photographers I must admit but their help was gratefully appreciated.

The air was breezy today as it was still early on in the year and the winter season wasn't quite over. I pull the side of my beige jacket further in to try and warm myself up as I'm walking. Considering it was a Wednesday the streets were reasonably busy, there were countless taxis passing by the main road and lots of people walking along the same path as me.

I didn't live too far from the studio so I didn't mind walking to work everyday, it helped to bring my exercise up. I also was familiar with the streets near my home and workplace so I felt safe the majority of the time.

On my left I was coming up to the local corner shop, in a quick decision I decide to go in. I didn't have much food at home so I wanted to buy some essentials now rather than in the dark.

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