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Ashlyn POV.

It's been a few hours since Sapnap threw a tantrum and left the room. We've been chatting and making jokes, while I've not been taking count of how many shots I've taken.

I have somehow now managed to sit closer to George and he's currently got his arm round the back of my shoulders. It was nice and I could smell his strong fragrance, it was a musky wooden smell.

"So what's with Sapnap?" Harper drunkenly asks the room.

"Seems to me like he's just a hormonal teenager." I snigger, finding my comment quite amusing in my drunken state.

"I wouldn't try saying that to him, might get choked like dear George over there" Clay laughs, despite the serious reply.

I felt George's arm shiver slightly behind my shoulders, so I look up to his face and notice the serious look he's holding. Did he really get choked by Sapnap. Out of pitty I place my hand on his that's resting on my shoulder and gently squeeze, earning a small smile from him.

"He's just aggressive sometimes, just gotta let him get high and release some tension. You get used to it." Punz shrugs.

How much aggression does this man have to show for his friends to shudder at the mention of his name?

Right now I don't care to find out and I want to start celebrating properly. I gently remove George's arm from around my back and grab the half empty bottle of vodka that was on the glass table in front of us.

"Hey, is there not a speaker or something in here?" I suddenly realise the lack of music in this small room, only the muffled pounding from the party downstairs.

"Um yeah there is, we just don't usually have it on because Sapnap doesn't like it." George shrugs to my side.

"Sapnap isn't here and I want to listen to music, so where is it?" I moodily reply, honestly I was sick of hearing that mans name.

I hear Clay laugh at my response, he then stands from his seat and goes to the sofa Sapnap was previously sitting on.

"Here." He smiles, pulling out a dusty grey speaker that looks like it's from the 90's.

I grab the object off him and connect the long black cable to my phone, instantly there's the sound of music filling the room. I don't know anyone's preferred genre so I just put a party playlist on and place my phone down next to the speaker.

I turn my attention back to the alcohol balancing on my lap. I unscrew the cap and drop it on the floor, as I plan on drinking the whole thing. I place the cool rim to my mouth and tip my head back, I allow the harsh liquor to glide down my burning throat. Before drinking too much I remove the glass and leave my plump lips slightly wet.

George seems to notice this as I catch him staring down at my lips, in turn he darts his tongue out to wet his.

"You have a little something-" he whispers whilst simultaneously bringing his hand up to my lips.

Just as he's about to swipe his thumb over them the door bursts open.

In walks a red faced Sapnap, he barges into the room and slams the door behind him. I see one hand adjusting the belt of his jeans, god knows what he's been up to.

George panics and quickly removes his hand from near my face, his cheeks now glowing slightly. 

"I suppose that bitch is the reason for this music?" Sapnap glares at me, his eyes burning a hole through mine.

"Sapnap." Clay warns.

"No I don't know who the fuck she thinks she is."

"Shhhh. Just lie down and have a nap Sapnap." Foolishly I giggle at my terrible pun, the alcohol was really flowing through my system now and affecting my brain.

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