Chapter 89, Final Leap

Start from the beginning

"It'll be a waste of time to try and infiltrate the the hideout discreetly. The building looks intricate as it is. And they've probably anticipated our arrival, otherwise why would the security be so strict? So without any more delay, here's the plan", Tenzo darts his creepy eyes between us, a stern look on his face as he addresses.

"There's not time to waste, I'll create a huge commotion using my Wood Style, meanwhile, both of you need to take quick action and sneak into the building, I'll follow suit when the opportunity seems right".

"Itachi", Shisui calls out, "let's scatter the crows all over the building".

"Understood", I reply, before putting what he said into action.

"That should suffice", Tenzo remarks as my mind wanders off to Sasuke and Naruto one more time.

"Very well then, shall we finally execute our plan?", I ask, earning stern nods from them.


One of the most noticeable things about this hideout are the countless verandas, all of which have Sound shinobi guarding on them.

It seemed like Kabuto had though this through...

Just before Tenzo had put our plan into action, I quickly turn to Shisui and inform, "Don't use'll weaken you very quickly..."

"Don't worry Itachi", he assured, "I won't"

With that, we put our full attention and concentration on the mission at hand. Tenzo takes in a deep breath before finally putting himself out there.

Instinctively, Shisui and I activate our Sharingan and began running through the thick woods to avoid being seen at all costs. My heart begins to thump up and down as I try to maintain decent physical strength.

There was not time to look back, no time to waste...I have to move forward on with Shisui at all costs. I have to save Naruto and Sasuke.

...but...will I be able to return back to the village with three people?

I whip out Hanabi's kunai and held onto it for comfort.

This will go has to...

I have to make it right...for everyone including myself.

I took the sudden eruption of barks and yells as the cue that Tenzo had set off his commotion. In short, we'll be able to infiltrate the building.

"Shisui!", I yell out, to which he yells back, "I know"

With that, we merge our two flocks of crows into one and direct them to cause even more distraction and commotion among the Hidden sound shinobi.

When we were sure that the decoy was enough, we simply hastened our feet and headed straight for the slightest opening that leads to the interior of the hideout.

Our eyes were glowing in the dark as we scrutinized almost everything in our way. Through the tall trees that we were leaping on, we spotted a small opening in the intricate building, where the commotion of the crows had resulted in the Sound shinobi to lose balance and fall to their inevitable death.

I sped up even more as a sudden surge of determination kicked in, making my body pump with adrenaline.

Just a few more trees to go and I'll be right inside the enemy's den. There were unbelievably long trees complimenting either side of the building, which could also serve as a liaison to help us get inside quickly.

There were at least several more trees to go before I could get the pleasure of jumping inside the building. Shisui had fallen behind me as I am too excited for my own good.

One more tree and I'll be in one of the empty verandas...

In a quick flash I finally took the final leap, which was going to land me in the empty veranda. In that split second, I heard a gasp escape from Shisui and he instinctively unsheathed his sword. A clash of two blades pierced the air simultaneously, encroaching my heart with uneasiness as I leapt mid-air.

Shisui, being of the Body Flicker had been successful in blocking off an attack that was aimed at me, which I completely overlooked due to everything that's been going on.

In the process, I heard the sound of something ripping only for me to realize that it was my hair. My eye caught sight of an odd looking white blade, but there was absolutely no time to stare any longer.

I land in the veranda safely, but my eyes were wide and unblinking as I took in the scene in the thick woods.

The luminous light of the moon unveiled the face of a pale skinned man with vivid green eyes, illuminated by the moonlight. Two scarlet dots framed his forehead near the brows. His eyes were lined with a crimson liner as well, making the greenery of his eyes stand out.

His facial features were so angular it was scary, not to mention the silver-white hair, which was oddly parted in a zig-zag motion on his head.

"This is as far as you'll go", he growls at Shisui.

I suddenly feel my muscles go stiff and blurt out what my eyes witnessed, "is that a bone?!", I question no one in particular as I take in the sight of his...bone sword?

"Ever heard of Kekki Genkai?", he calmly addressed and suddenly a loud cracking noise emanated from his body.

Shisui grunted as he fended off the attack of the bone.

What even is this Kekki Genkai? It's scary for sure.

"Sh-Shisui...", I found my self almost trailing off.

"Don't mind me!", he yells out, "remember the more we delay the greater the disadvantage!".

"You sure speak noble words", the guy spoke in a silky tone, enough to send shivers down my spine.

"He's one of Orochimaru's underlings, I'll take care of him, you just have to hurry up!", Shisui insists.

This...this is the final I let everyone deal with one of Orochimaru's underlings while I go off to search for Naruto and Sasuke?

For Hanabi's I willing to take this leap or not?

Am I willing to give it my absolute all or not?

But at what cost?

Am I worthy of a-

"Itachi behind you!", Shisui shouted, catching me off guard as I exited my sudden train of thought. My eyes remained unblinking and my heart was suddenly out of pulse when I sensed the strike that was coming from behind.

And even though my mind was still deciding on that same dilemma, my body had successfully moved by its own. I'd clutched Hanabi's kunai tight in my scarred hand, while I use the other to unsheathe my sword and pivot on my heel rapidly.

My eyes, body and emotions didn't even flinch, not even when I slashed open the throat of a Sound ninja, whose warm crimson blood splattered and flecked my face.

I am taking this leap...


A/N:- So, you liked the chapter? Hopefully you did. Anyways, dear readers if any of you want writing tips or tips on how to get more plot then here's some to help you out✨✨

-My number one tip for producing more plot (or at least it works for me) is MUSIC, yes you heard me right. Listening to the RIGHT music will make you imagine your plot before your eyes✨✨that's how y'all got all this plot from me✨✨

-Writing Style. Have your own signature writing style. For that to happen you have to read a variety of books from different authors till you've eventually found YOUR own unique style. But the most crucial part is that you HAVE to write even if it's not good. I mean I feel like my writing is kinda original don't ya think? It took practice, but I think it payed off✨✨

Hopefully these tips will help you, tell me if you need more tips✨✨


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