Chapter 62, Heart To Hurt

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I don't think that I'll ever see any other Jutsu more terrifying than The Red Butterfly Technique. It'd left me completely off guard and terrorized.

"Shisui!", I shouted, my breath hitching in my throat as the butterflies didn't miss.

The events that unfolded before me were horrific. I was left paralyzed as Shisui's face contorted with agony. He screamed at the top of his lungs as the myriad of butterflies slashed through his body mercilessly with their sparkling blades.

"Shisui!!", I lunged forward involuntarily, tears flying past me only for Kakashi to pull me back again. I stared back at him in horror, only to see his terrified expression and exposed Mangekyō Sharingan.

Without another word, Kakashi darted his eyes towards the scenery in front of him. And with a heavy heart, he shouted, "Kamui!".

"Don't go near Itachi!", Kakashi sternly stressed on each syllable.

The wings of the butterflies had become tainted red, which will go on to further elaborate on why Ichiko Uchiha was nicknamed 'Ichiko of The Red Butterfly'.  The once delicate white butterflies had altered into blood-stained blades.

With unblinking eyes, my eyes darted to the injured Shisui again. He's still writhing in pain as the butterflies conceal him completely. It's taking Kakashi sometime to try and perfect his aim at the butterflies.

"Make it stop!", he pleaded as the wings of the butterflies sliced his skin mercilessly.

My lower lip quivered with terror as I witnessed the pond of blood beneath Shisui, which only continued to expand in radius the more Shisui screamed.


Despite the shock that encroached my mind, I forced my eyes on Hanabi and shouted pleadingly, "Hanabi stop!".

No answer.

Why?! Just why?!

"Hanabi Stop!", I screamed at her as I start to snivel.

"Make it stop!", Shisui writhed, his cries emanated from the back of his throat.

Kakashi was terrified, but he still maintained composure as he used his Kamui to get rid of a decent portion of the butterflies.

Talking won't fix anything anymore...only actions are necessary in this case...

Clenching my jaw tight and with a heavy heart, I whipped out my sword and took a dangerous leap. Warm tears flew past me as I lunged forward, ignoring my heaving heart, I raise my sword above my head and aimed it at Hanabi.

She stood still in her position as my strike was about to rain down on her, she wickedly grinned.

Hanabi...don't make me do this...I don't want to hurt you more than I already have...please...

The sharp edge of my blade was supposed to embed and take landing in her right shoulder, if it weren't for Madara who leaped in last minute, blocking my attack with nothing but his arm.

He'd focused his chakra and stoned his arm...

A part of me sighed in relief, thanking Madara for interfering.

"You don't have the heart to hurt her, Itachi", Madara said, making me flinch, "and you never will", he hissed, delivering a powerful punch to the side of my face.

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