55. Rising Phoenix - Loldirr

Start from the beginning

Time was of the essence; if left too long, Ravenscourt would fall before her rescue could occur.

"It's time. Let's make sure they know we're here." Loldirr instructed.

Hrok turned towards the onlooking faces of the male and female warriors of the Fæordic. He could see the glint in their eyes, eager for what was to come. Raising his massive two-bladed axe high, with all his might, he shouted out, "SOUND THE HORNS!"

The horns' deep bellow reverberated through the trees and shook the ground as if a stampede of cattle were devastating the world around them. The sound was intense and frightening, and it didn't take long for the enemy to flick their heads around towards them.

"FÆORDIC!" shouted Hrok, causing the warriors to raise their axes and shields and smash them against each other several times.

"WHO ARE WE?" shouted Hrok.

"WARRIORS!" shouted the army, followed by the thunderous clap of the axes on shields.


"DEATH!" they shouted once more, louder than before. The thunderous clapping caused an unnatural ripple across the air.


"FÆORDIC! FÆORDIC! FÆORDIC!" the chant was continuous and grew in volume with each shout. With the sound of wooden shields being beaten mercilessly by the metal of axes, Loldirr could even sense the fear from the enemy as they frantically tried to manoeuvre to face their new foe.

Loldirr smiled as the sound resonated around her. Seeing Halfhand's forces between the main bulk of the army at Ravenscourt and the reserve army facing her, she knew that, so far, the pieces were very much where she wanted them to be.

"Archers to the front," Loldirr ordered.

"They are out of range," explained Hrok as he turned towards her.

Loldirr turned her head slightly, allowing her darkened eyes to focus on his. "Archers to the front."

Hrok nodded before shouting out the order, "ARCHERS!"

The archers scurried to the front through the angry, excited cheers of the Fæordic tribes.

"NOCK! DRAW! LOOSE!" called Hrok, watching as the archers delivered their arrows just outside of the tree canopy.

Loldirr raised her hands and closed her eyes. As she did, a gust of wind came from nowhere, causing the arrows to gain momentum they previously didn't have. As the first volley embedded itself deep into the enemy's front line, many men fell to the floor, knowing their fight and lives would soon be over.

Anxiously returning a volley, the enemy's arrows dropped some way short of the Fæordic tribe, causing them to release a condescending and enthusiastic cheer.

For them, this appeared to be some game, and the enemy was unnerved by it.

Releasing another volley caused a vast number of Isovine soldiers to fall uncharacteristically to their deaths. With haste, they frantically tried to reposition the army to face the Fæordic warriors, and as more soldiers fell to their demise, their movements caused unwarranted chaos among their ranks.

Loldirr could see the general of the army's focus drifting over to this new threat. Sat on his horse behind the forming lines of archers, spearmen and knights, he was some distance away, but his movements appeared agitated.

Another arrow volley caused more Isovine soldiers to fall, but now they were in formation and moving menacingly towards Loldirr's troops.

Outnumbered three to one, it didn't seem to faze the warriors around Loldirr. As more arrows left for their targets, the men and women lining up for the defence of Ravenscourt hurled insults and taunts like nothing she had ever heard before. They may have been outnumbered, but it was the enemy that was losing their courage.

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