"Can we not?" He sighs, and nods. "I'll head home. I'll see you tomorrow."

He offered to bring me home, but I declined. Oh, and also, I ended up bringing the blazer with me. Whoever may be the owner of this, they're too kind and anonymous.

I got home, and decided to binge watch dramas or movies to keep me busy. I don't really have any work to worry about. I only have him to think of. Watching movies can get me distracted!

Except that... I only watch romance. Moving on.

I cleaned everything instead. I didn't realize that I had things to clean, and now, I'm enjoying the fact that I'm cleaning my living room, and my bedroom. This could keep me busy.

Got showered, and now I'm ready to rest... or so I thought.

I head to the front door, after someone kept on pushing the doorbell nonstop. It was enough to get my energy back! Which I hate! I wanted to rest.

I open the door, and find a drunken Kenma with Kuroo supporting him. "Hi." I smile, and slam the door at his face, but he had his foot stop the door. "Please.. just take him in for tonight. I have Ena to worry about.. she's already stripping in the car."

"Why the fuck are you making me do this?"

"You're the girlfriend. You think of what to do." I don't have a choice. I take him from Kuroo, and Kenma's.. "I didn't plan this, I swear. I'll pay you back next time. Sorry again."

He ran downstairs, and I left Kenma by the door. I don't know how to handle him. I got water for me to drink, and for him as well, seeing him awake and leaning against the door.

"I'm..... home....." He takes a step forward, tripping and hitting his face on the wall. "Ow...." He sits on the floor and rubs his nose, looking at me with glassy eyes. "It hurts here.... but..." Is his nose bleeding? "If.... you kiss me.... I'll be fine...... I-ow... I'll... walk on.. my own.."

"Get up." He pouts, and whines like a child. "Is this how you are when you're drunk?"

"Hurry.... kiss here.... (Y/n)...... I'll walk... on my own... so kiss me here..." I walk over to him, and kneel to check on his face. He's still pouting, and his nose is pretty red. "Hurry.... (Y/n).."

At least he's conscious enough to know that it's me. "No kisses." He pouts, and cries. "Kenma."

"Kiss.... it hurts.." He pinches my cheek, and I peck his lips. He smiles, and pulls me in for a kiss, slipping his tongue inside my mouth. "Hehe... I will.. walk.."

I wipe my lips—I taste alcohol. I watch him walk straight to the wall, bumping his head and now he's actually crying in pain. What's with this Kenma? No, why am I taking care of him?

"(Y/n)... it hurts...... blow..." I take him to the bedroom, and help him lay on the bed, getting a damp towel to put on his forehead. "C-Cold......" He says, finally falling asleep after all that struggle.

This is my bed.. I'm sleeping on it because it's my bed. But also.. he's Kenma. I should stop acting like I don't want him around me. Kuroo.. clearly planned this. This would've never happened if it wasn't for him.

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