{Josie meets the world}

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September 3 2001

My dearest, Tony,
She has your eyes. She has my smile. She doesn't have both of our hearts.
It breaks my heart to leave you like this, but we both know I've never been mother material. Neither of us were ever cut out to be parents. That much is obvious. I know you never wanted Joselyn. I didn't either, but she's here now. I know we've both grown affectionate of her, but I'll never love her the way a mother is supposed to. When I'm gone, do as you wish with her. I did care for you, Tony, truly. I'm not ready to have a child yet, I'm sorry I had to leave you like this. With no goodbye. You can consider this my goodbye. I'll miss you. I'll always love you.
Yours forever, Lily.

Those words broke Tony Stark. Those words broke him more than he'd ever been broken before, if that was possible. A small sheet of paper tore his world apart.

Joselyn was sat next to him on the sofa as he read the letter. When he put it down, she started to cry. Almost as if she knew what had just happened. She looked up at him with her deep, hazel eyes, as tears pooled up in them. Lily was right, she did have his eyes. He realised tears were streaming down his face as well.

"It's alright, Joselyn, we're alright.", he scooped her up and held her tiny head to his chest.

Lily. The only woman he's ever loved. The mother of his child. Gone.

He stood up and walked around, rocking her gently as he did, "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.", he whispered.

Tears still ran down his face, but the steady rise and fall of Joselyn's chest calmed him. Lily had just broken his heart. He trusted her and she tore it apart. Remind him to never trust anyone ever again. He'd stick by that for the next ten years.

Though his entire world was crumbling around him, he held Joselyn close. He held her close and he knew everything would be okay if he had her. His little girl. His joy. He's heard people say that having a child changes you, brings light and meaning to your life, but he never believed it (it does sound a bit dramatic, to be fair). He never believed it, until now. Lily just up and left, in the middle of the night. Everything should be terrible, but he still had Joy. His Joy.

"As long as I've got you, everything will be okay. As long as I've got my Joy."

His Joy {Peter Parker X Stark's Daughter}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon