{Josie meets Spider-Man}

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Present day
"Friday, I'm just so mad.", Josie rants, "Ugh.", she locks the door and paces around the room. "I swear to god, Friday, if you unlock that door for anyone, I will hack your software and frizzle your computer brain.", she threatens.

"Thank you for the threats, Miss Stark.", Friday says, "I'm not sure you are capable of hacking my software."

"Is that a challenge? Good idea, Friday, if anything goes wrong, it's your fault. Thanks for the plan.", she walks over to her computer and begins to hack Friday's software.

"Miss Stark, I didn't give you a plan. Please don't hack my software."

"I'm not shutting you down or anything, just toying with your system so you won't tell Dad I've gone out.", she explains.

"You're going out?"

"Not that you know about, I'm not. Don't stress, I'll be back later and I promise I won't get myself murdered. Just don't tell my dad, okay?"

"I'm not sure I have a choice."

"Oh yeah, that's right.", she laughs, then gets up and grabs her coat, phone and shoes, "If anybody asks, say I'm asleep and I don't want to be disturbed. Don't miss me too much!"

Then, she opens her window and clambers out. Luckily, her room is on the ground floor, which makes sneaking out easy.

* * * * *

Just an average Wednesday for Peter, he swings through the streets of Queens. Nothing interesting is going on, but he stays out anyway, just in case. For a while, he's been sat on a rooftop, eating a sandwich, and he's just about to head back. He pulls on his backpack and walks to the edge of the roof, but just before he can swing away, he sees someone walking around.

Who's out this late? Wait, she sort of looks like Josie. Josie? That is Josie. Why's she out on her own this late? It's none of your business, Peter. Stop thinking about it. She's fifteen, she'll be fine. Stop worrying. Hold up, who's that guy following her? He's getting closer now, Spider-Man should probably intervene.

Josie's been walking for ages, and she's still crying. God, this is so embarrassing. Crying in public. Not a Stark trait. Although, out here, in the streets of Queens, she's a Smith. Why did she even come out here? She could have just stayed at home, cried alone in her room for a bit. No, instead she just had to come out to Queens and wander around like an idiot.

"Hey there. What's a girl like you doing out this late?", a rough, deep voice asks from behind her.

Quickly, Josie spins around and sees a creepy-looking man stood right behind her. "C- Can I help you?", she stammers.

"I think you can.", he grins and walks closer to her, placing his greasy hand on her shoulder.

"Ew, creep! Get off me!", she screams, then kicks him in the balls.

He falls to the ground, but gets back up quickly, "You're going to regret that."

"Oh, trust me, I'm not the one who's going to regret anything. You don't even know who you're talking to!", she yells. Ooh, that came off cocky. Probably shouldn't worry about that when you're being approached by some weird creep.

The man walks towards Josie and she turns to run, but he grabs her wrist and yanks her towards him. Before he can do anything else, a flash of red appears and knocks the man away. That's a person, what the hell? The guy in red wraps an arm around Josie's waist and lifts her off the ground. They land on a roof and she immediately pushes him away from her.

"Hey there.", he says.

"Who the hell are you?", she screams.

"Hi, uh, I'm Spider-Man.", he reaches out his hand to shake hers.

"Oh my god, I need to call my dad. No, I can't call my dad. Shit. Ugh.", she sits down on the cold concrete roof.

"Are you okay?", he asks.

"No.", she replies, "Oh, uh, physically I'm fine."

"Want to talk about what happened?", he offers.

"Um, not with you, not really. Stranger danger.", she says.

He sits down next to her, "Well, I'm Spider-Man. Queens' local superhero. Nice to meet you."

She shuffles away from him awkwardly, "Look, no offense, Mr. Spider. I kind of came here to get away from superheroes for a while. I appreciate you saving me from that creep, but I think I'm going to go now.", she stands up.

"Where are you going?", he asks.

"Um, not telling.", she replies, walking towards the fire escape stairs.

"Have you got any friends in the neighborhood? You really shouldn't be on your own at this time."

"Jesus Christ, I can walk around the streets without getting kidnapped or murdered!", she exclaims, "But yes, I think I have some friends in the neighborhood. See you around, but hopefully not, Spidey!", she disappears down the staircase.

Peter smiles to himself underneath the mask, then swings down to the street and rushes into an alleyway to change. Once he's out of his suit, he shoves it in his backpack, then runs out onto the main street. As he leaves the alley, he crashes into Josie.

"Woah, sorry. Josie?", he acts like he didn't know she was there.

"Pea Pod! Oh, Peter!", she hugs him tight, "I've never been more glad to see a friendly face in my life."

"Jos, are you okay? You look like you've been crying."

"It's- Uh- It's nothing.", she looks at her feet.

"You can talk to me."

She looks up at him and nervously bites her lip, "Okay, but don't tell anyone that you saw me cry. This is embarrassing."

"Our little secret. Don't worry.", he smiles.

She laughs a little, "God, I'm a mess."

He brushes her hair out of her face, "We both are."

She shivers a little, "Jeez, it's cold. Do you want to go to a cafe or something?"

"It's almost midnight, all the cafes are closed.", he reminds her.

"Oh, yeah. That makes sense."

"But, you could probably come back to mine for a bit. If you want to.", he offers.

"You sure you don't mind?", she asks.

"No, it's fine. You shouldn't be wandering the streets alone like this."

"Thanks, Pea Pod."

His Joy {Peter Parker X Stark's Daughter}Where stories live. Discover now