{Josie meets lying to Peter}

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Present day

"Peter! What are you doing here?", Josie asks, trying to keep her cool.

"Uh- Looking for a restroom. Do you two know each other?"

"No. Well, I know of him, obviously. He's Tony Stark. Everyone knows him.", she says.

"But, you were yelling at him. You said he hasn't spoken to you for a week. Do you know him?", Peter asks again.

"Great, now Peter's here.", Tony mumbles.

"Did you just call him Peter? How do you know him?", Josie yells.

"How do you know him?", Peter walks towards them.

"I don't!", she exclaims.

"Well you clearly do!", he shouts.

"Jesus, where did this yelling Peter come from?", Josie asks.

"Stop trying to change the subject.", Peter says, "How do you know him?"

"I don't! I told you, I really don't hate Tony Stark! I was just letting him know how I feel!", she lies.

"You hate me?", Tony asks, looking like he'd just been kicked.

"What? Don't take it personally.", she glares at him, giving him a 'not right now' look.

"No. I'd like to know what I've done that's so horrible."

"Not right now! Jesus Christ!"

"Not right now?", Peter asks, "So you two are going to speak some other time?"

"Yes. Yes, we are, because...", this is it. This is the moment Peter finds out who Josie really is. Maybe it's for the best. No more secrets. No more lying. Maybe he could even come over for dinner sometime. Honestly, it doesn't sound too bad. "Because I offered her an internship last week. She told me she wasn't sure whether she wanted to take it or not, and I've never been turned down before, so I was a bit shocked and I haven't emailed or phoned her for a week. That's why I invited you guys here, so I could convince Josie to take the internship. That's why she's been so angry all day.", Tony lies. Quick thinking.

"I totally forgot you were an intern here, Peter! This will be so fun! Us two interns, interning together every day! I can't wait!", she puts on her fakest smile. Something is up with Peter and Tony. They're hiding something, and Josie is going to get to the bottom of it.

Tony's eyes widen and he sees right through the fake smile, "Wow, Josie! Sounds like you two are great... pals. Shame you'll be stationed in different buildings."

"Where's Peter stationed? Isn't Stark Tower the only Stark Industries building in New York?", she asks, though she obviously knows the answer.

"Well, that's the thing. Has your father not told you yet?", Tony asks.

Josie furrows her brow, "No, he hasn't.", she says through gritted teeth.

"Oh, well he's been restationed in Chicago. You're moving to Chicago, so you can do your internship there.", he says, like it's nothing.

"What? I'm really resisting the urge to slap you right now. How am I supposed to go to school if I'm in Chicago?", she asks.

"You aren't. He's taking you out of school again.", Tony glares at her.

"He's what?", she starts to yell, "He can't do that, I've only been in school two weeks! You can't do this!"

"Actually I can, I'm Tony Stark."

"Get a grip! The world doesn't revolve around you! You can't just go around doing whatever you like with no consequences! This is why everyone hates Tony Stark! You're such a prick!", she shouts, then looks at Peter and her vision starts to blur, as her eyes glass up. She turns back to Tony, who sees she's about to cry and she notices the remorse flash through his eyes for a second, before he resumes his cold, 'I'm Tony Stark' exterior. "Fuck you.", she chokes out, barely more than a whisper, as she tries to hold back the tears. Then, she pushes past him and storms out the corridor.

"Josie!", Peter yells after her, he turns to Tony, who's just staring straight ahead blankly, then he starts to chase after her, "Jos! Josie!", he calls.

"Not right now, Peter.", she says, as she hurries through the corridors to the nearest fire escape.

He reaches out and puts a hand on her shoulder, "Josie, you can talk to me about this! Whatever's going on, I'll understand!"

"No, Peter, I can't talk to anyone about this! Nobody would ever understand! I wish I could talk to you about it, but I can't! I can't talk to you, I can't and won't talk to my dad, I can't talk to my family.", she shoves his hand off her shoulder, then carries on to the fire escape, shoves the door open and walks out onto the steps.

Peter stands, frozen for thirty seconds, just staring at the door, until he realises he should probably follow her out. He pushes open the door and walks out onto the stairs, where Josie is sat, with her legs dangling over the edge, staring out over the city.

"Hey.", he says, sitting down next to her.

"Hiya. Sorry about yelling at you.", she looks away.

"It's fine. You're scary when you yell though.", he laughs, "And, you've got guts, yelling at Tony Stark like that."

"Well, he deserves it.", she shrugs.

"So, you're moving to Chicago?"

"I don't know, I'm probably not coming back to school anytime soon though.", she slumps her shoulders and looks down miserably. Then, a grin breaks out on her face, and she looks up to Peter, "Pea Pod..."

"No. I don't know what you're saying, but it sounds like a bad idea.", he says immediately.

"Come on. I've got one day left in New York, I'm going wild.", she says.

"Going wild?", he asks.

"A party."


"Do you know about any parties that are happening tonight?", she asks.

"Well, a guy called Harrison from our school is throwing one tonight, but you're not going.", Peter says.

"No, I'm not going. We're going. Together.", she smiles.


"Come on, Peter. Who knows when the next time I'll see you is? We might as well have some fun tonight!", she argues.

"Josie, I'm not going to a party with you.", he tells her.

"I can always go on my own.", she crosses her arms.


She raises her eyebrows, "Come on, Pete, loosen up a bit. Let's have some fun!"

"I've- Uh- I've never been to a party before.", he admits.

"Neither! Hey, there's a first time for everything!", she exclaims, then flashes him a smile, "So, what do you say, Pea Pod?"

He just can't say no to that smile.


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