{Josie meets a date}

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Present Day

Josie and Peter walk out of school, chattering away, "So, got any bug business tonight?", Josie asks.

"Arachnid.", he corrects.

She laughs, "Right. Got any arachnid antics tonight?"

"I might patrol, nothing much ever seems to happen in Queens.", he shrugs.

"Well, I could keep you company, whilst you... patrol.", she suggests.

"I don't know. It would be unprofessional of me."

"No, it would be very unprofessional of Spider-Man. A very different person to Peter Parker.", she grins.

"Would your dad even let you?", he asks.

"Let's find out.", she takes out her phone and starts calling Tony, as they walk out the doors, outside.

"Oh, uh, okay."

Tony picks up after a few rings, "Heya, Jellybean."

"Hi, Dad."

"You need something or are you just calling to have a chat with your dear old dad?"

"Uh, I was wondering if I could go out with Peter for a bit.", she asks, putting on the sweetest voice possible.

"Like go out, go out?", he asks.

"No, no. Just hang out.", she corrects herself.

"Uh, no."

"Come on, seriously?", she raises her eyebrows, even though he can't see her.

"Yes, seriously. I don't want you and some boy fonduing around New York together. It's not safe."

"What the hell is fonduing? Besides, it's not 'some boy' it's Peter. There's nowhere safer than with him.", she argues.

"Uh, maybe at home."

"Please, the Avengers logo is plastered on the walls about fifty times.", she scoffs, "If I was a supervillain, Avengers HQ is the first place I would blow up."


"Come on, I'll convince Happy, all you have to do is just... not say no.", he doesn't reply, "I'll take the silence as a not a no! Thank you! Love you! Bye!", she babbles, before hanging up.

She starts to walk over to the car Happy's parked just in front of school and knocks on the window. Happy rolls it down, "Hey, Jos.", he says, then notices Peter, "Hey, Peter.", he nods awkwardly.

"Hi, Happy.", Peter says.

"Right, right. Hey everyone. Now, Hapster, you know how I'm like your favourite Stark and just favourite person in general.", she gives an over-enthusiastic smile.

"No, not really...", Happy gives her a funny look.

"Right, so I'm going to hang out with Peter for a bit...", she starts.

"So, I drove all this way to not pick you up?"

"Well, yeah... Sorry.", she says.

Happy rolls his eyes, "God, Starks are so much work.", he winds the window back up and drives off.

"Someone's not happy.", Josie mumbles, then turns back to Peter, "So, Pea Pod, where to?"

"I don't know, what do you want to do?"

She thinks for a moment, "Queens is your stomping ground, right?", he nods, "Well, I'm from Malibu originally, but I've spent my fair share of time in the big apple. So, you wanna see the New York I know?"

"Stark Tower?", he raises an eyebrow.

"Well, not the tower itself. I know a few spots nearby. Let's explore Manhattan together, shall we?", she holds out her arm.

"Why not?", he takes her arm.

They get the subway to Midtown and then walk to Stark Tower, or what was Stark Tower. Staring up at the building, Josie lets out an audible sigh, "It looks weird without the 'A'.", she tilts her head.

"Seriously, you grew up here?", he asks.

"Well, I was already fairly grown-up, ten or eleven, but yeah, kind of."

"Wow. You know, you can see the tower from my bedroom window. I always used to look out and think, 'I wonder what the Avengers are doing up there'. Never thought they'd be hanging out with a kid my age.", Peter says.

She smiles sadly, "Yeah, nobody did."

"So, what did you get up to? You know, since you were homeschooled and all."

"Well, I hung around with the Avengers, I danced, there are, or were, a lot of facilities in the tower, so I used them. Fighting, I'm pretty good at fighting. I don't know, I was bored a lot of the time. I was barely even allowed to leave the tower when we were in New York. Although, Dad was out working a lot, so I didn't abide by that rule all the time.", she links arms with him and begins to lead him down the street, away from the tower, "I used to sneak out sometimes, pinch some of my dad's cash and pray J.A.R.V.I.S wouldn't snitch. The first time I did it, I was so scared that I'd get lost, I just stayed as close to the tower as I possibly could, and that's when I stumbled upon this place.", they stop outside what looks like a fifties diner. She leads him inside, "Let's sit in the back.", she says.

The narrow, old-timey hamburger and ice-cream parlor is crowded with parents treating their kids to a sugary snack after school. The air is punctuated with the shrill cries of sugared-up children, as exhausted waitresses hurry to and fro carrying huge glass bowls of ice-cream, large mugs of hot cocoa, and extra-long hotdogs.

They sit opposite each other in a booth, "I hadn't pinned you down as a diner kind of girl."

"Really?", she rests her hand in her palms and leans forward, so she's looking him in the eye, "What kind of girl did you have me down as?"

"I don't know, maybe fine-dining and a glass of scotch.", he shrugs.

"Ahh, because of my family name. Well, I'm not my dad, so, don't need to worry about that. Just pretend... I'm still Josie Smith and my dad is Daniel Smi- or David Smith, whatever I called him.", she smiles, "But, enough about me.", she picks up a menu and scans over it, "Why don't we order the biggest sundae we can find and you can tell me about the life of Peter Parker."

 *     *     *     *     *

(a/n) Hey guys! Remember to vote, comment, and all that jazz!!! Sorry, this is late again, I've been busy with my family!

Coming up soon:
Present day:
Josie and Peter's date continued!
Trouble for the Starks!
Battle of New York!

Next chapter title:
Josie meets Loki

His Joy {Peter Parker X Stark's Daughter}Where stories live. Discover now