{Josie meets Stark screaming matches}

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Present day

Just an average Wednesday at the Avengers compound, everyone in their rooms, trying and failing at not eavesdropping on another Stark screaming match, which is going down in the kitchen. Stark screaming matches usually happen once every couple of months, and normally end in both the Starks crying, then Tony buying Josie something expensive, and neither of them properly apologizing or working things out. The circle of life. Admittedly, not a very healthy circle to be stuck in. Tonight's different though, this Stark screaming match is louder, longer, and more personal than the others.

"Oh my god! Why are you being so dramatic about this?", yells Josie.

"I'm not being dramatic, I'm keeping you safe!", Tony shouts.

"Safe from what? Nobody knows I exist!"

"To keep you safe!"

"If nobody knows I exist, why the hell can't I just go to some fucking museum?"

"Because we don't know that nobody knows about you! I'm not taking any chances with you, you're my daughter!", he tells her.

"Not to the rest of the world I'm not! What's your problem? Jesus, it's a museum. It would be embarrassing to die at a science museum! No offense to anyone who died at a science museum. All my life, you've kept me locked away from the world and on my own! Did it ever occur to you that I'm a person, that I'm a teenage girl? Maybe I want to make friends! Maybe I want to fit in at school! Maybe I don't want to stay locked up in one of your mansions for the rest of my life!", she paces around the kitchen.

"I don't know what has gotten into you lately, you've been perfectly fine staying home for the past nine years. Now, all of a sudden, you're kicking up a fuss and constantly asking to go out to school and to join clubs and now going on field trips! Next thing I know, you'll be going out to parties and coming home drunk!", he runs his hand through his usually perfect hair.

"Yeah, maybe! I'm in high school! That's what most kids do in high school!"

"Well, you're not most kids!"

"Oh, you've made that very clear! Sometimes I wish I wasn't born a Stark! Then I could just be a kid and not have to worry about my dad's reputation or my dad getting drunk and blowing up my life!", she yells.

"You take that back right now, Joselyn! All of your life, all I've done is look after you and pay for every fucking thing you've ever wanted! I've always been there for you, when nobody else was! When everybody else left, I was right by your side!". Too far, Tony. Way too far.

"When everybody else left? Oh, you're really going there? You want to take a guess at why everybody else left? Hint, it wasn't because of me! Oh, I have no friends; you pulled me out of school, you made me stay home, your fault! Also, you're constantly away from home, off saving the world or on a business trip, again, your fault! Not mine! And how about Mom leaving, I was a baby, it was your fault! I've always been alone and it's your fault! It's like you're trying to ruin my life or something!". Way too far, Josie. Way, way too far.

Tony goes silent for a second. It isn't his fault that Lily left, the letter she wrote made that very clear. The letter. Josie doesn't know about the letter, she's never read it, and Tony intends to keep it that way. If she reads the letter, she'll blame herself for Lily leaving. It isn't Josie's fault though, she was a baby, what could she do? It's Lily's fault. It's all Lily's fault. How he ever loved that woman, he'll never know. In this moment though, he's so angry at Josie, so upset, he almost yells about what actually happened with Lily. He almost yells about how she only left because of Josie. He almost yells about how him and Lily were in love before Josie came along. Almost. Almost, because no matter how much he had loved Lily, no matter how broken he was after she left, no matter how broken he still is, his love for Lily will never come close to how much he loves his daughter. Yelling about the letter would break Josie, and no matter how mad he is, he could never hurt his little Joy.

"Joselyn Maria Stark, you will not speak to me like that in my own house!", he roars.

"Well I'd be happy to do it elsewhere, except you won't let me leave!", she yells.

"You are so ungrateful, Joselyn! I put a roof over your head, clothes on your back and food in your mouth! But no, I don't care about you, I'm trying to ruin your life!"

"Am I supposed to be thanking you for doing what a father is supposed to do? Jeez, thanks so much for not letting me go homeless! Thanks a billion for not starving me, it really was so generous of you!", she shouts, sarcastically.

"I'm not generous with you? Who bought every toy you ever asked for? Who took you on holiday about seven times a year? Who paid to fill your wardrobe with way more clothes than any fifteen-year-old girl would ever need? Who paid for every single dance lesson you've taken since you were seven? Who paid to have a dance studio built in our houses? Who bought you your first car? Who never says no to you? Who's never asked for anything in return? Me! So stop acting like I never do anything for you!"

"Last time you took me on holiday was in 2010, it lasted one day, I had to stay in the hotel room the entire time and you were attacked by a maniac! And, I can't even drive! What am I going to do with a car?"

"You know what, Joselyn, you're a spoilt brat! Most kids would kill to have the things you have, but you just take it for granted! You'll always have your dear old dad to rely on for every little want and need, won't you?"

"You want to be like that, do you? I could name more than a few problems that you have! Maybe, the questions you should be asking are, who threatened a terrorist and got your house blown up? Who slept his way through all the whores in Malibu and brought home multiple girls a night, whilst I was in the house? Who's always working and never has time for me? Who pulled me out of school and didn't let me go back for nine years? Who left Pepper, Happy, and Rhodey to do the actual parenting anytime things got tough? Who never actually helped me deal with my emotions, just bought me off with a new doll or a new iPad? Who just acted like I didn't exist when I needed them, after New York? Who drinks away any problem he has? Who always talks about how terrible his father was, but is just like him?", Josie is getting really worked up now.

Shouldn't have said that thing about his father. Big mistake Josie. Tony Stark has three weak spots, Pepper, Josie and his parents. All Tony wants to do right now is pull her into a hug and tell her he's never leaving her side. Tell her how much he loves her. But he can't. He can't appear weak in front of anyone, he can't show his emotions. Not even to Josie. So, he picked the stupid, not helpful option of continuing this screaming match.

"Don't bring my father into this! I'm nothing like him! You didn't even know him! God, you are so spoiled, nothing's ever good enough for you, is it? You've always had everything handed to you on a silver platter!", he shouts.

"I'm spoiled? That's rich coming from you! I'm not the one who grew up with a literal butler! Jesus Christ, you're such a hypocrite!", she starts to storm off towards her room.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"To my room! That's where you were planning on sending me anyway, isn't it? What else were you going to do, kick me out? I would honestly love that! Please, kick me out! Seriously, I can't wait until I can move out away from this freak show of superheroes and my dickhead dad!"

"What did you just call me?", he yells.

"You heard me! Deal with it!"

With that, she storms off to her room and slams the door behind her, then flops down on her bed and bursts into tears. All of the Avengers, hell, all of the compound heard the entire fight go down. With how loud the two Starks were yelling, it would have been near impossible to not hear. They aren't annoyed at Josie for calling them a 'freak show', they're more mad at Tony for not actually dealing with Josie's emotions with her. It'll come back to bite him in the ass sometime soon.

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