{Josie meets Loki}

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August 16 2012

The next morning, Josie wakes up quite late for a ten (almost eleven) year old- around eleven AM. Surprisingly, Tony hasn't come to wake her up yet, but she thinks nothing of it. For about an hour, she just stays in bed, watching TV and enjoying her Saturday morning. Still, Tony doesn't come to check she's up, offer her lunch, or anything. So, after a while, she reluctantly hauls herself out of bed and pads into the living room. She shivers slightly, as her bare feet touch the cold floor. For some reason, the house seems eerily quiet. Obviously, Pepper's away in DC, but Tony should still be here, blowing things up and making a mess.

As she walks over to the sofa, Tony's nowhere to be seen, but there's a note on the coffee table. She picks it up and reads it,

Gone to Germany to fight gods or aliens or something (easy stuff). Be back soon, I'll bring sausages or whatever it is they make in Germany. Don't leave the apartment and don't die. Love you.
-Dad (:

"Right.", She says to herself, nothing's that weird to her nowadays. Might as well just go with it. Don't ask questions.

She goes to make herself some breakfast, then realizes it's actually lunchtime. So, she makes a grilled cheese, eats that, then makes another, because she's still hungry. After eating that, she grabs a soccer ball and starts kicking it around. She boots it into a really expensive bottle of scotch, shattering it. That's when she decides it's probably best if she goes outside. Unfortunately, she lives on the highest floor of one of the tallest buildings in New York, so when she boots the ball too hard again, instead of smashing a bottle, it goes flying off the side of Stark Tower. RIP to anybody walking by below.

With a sigh, she turns to go inside and notices a man stood on the roof. He's balding and dressed in fairly casual clothes- doesn't really look like a threat. He's messing with some weird machine, so Josie just assumes Tony hired him to fix the satellite dish or forecast the weather or something like that. As she starts to walk back inside, a man appears in front of her, literally out of nowhere.

"Joselyn, is it?", He asks in a British accent. He has long, either slicked-back or greasy hair (it's hard to tell which) and he's carrying a pointy stick. Weird. She has literally no clue who this man is, but she's not an idiot, and she can tell he's bad news.

"Would you believe me if I said no?", She tries to hide the fear in her voice, I mean, the man literally materialized in front of her.

"It was more conversational than an actual question.", He steps towards her and she steps back, causing him to chuckle lightly at her evident fear, "Don't worry, I haven't come to hurt you. I'm simply here to enlighten you. "

"I don't think I want to be enlightened.", She says.

He smiles and tilts his head, "Ah, you see, I wasn't offering you a choice.", He lifts his shiny, pointy stick thing and taps it against her chest; her eyes turn entirely blue and she stands up straight, "Go inside, sit down on the sofa." Wordlessly, she nods and does as instructed.

A minute or two later, Iron Man arrives, "Shut it down, Dr. Selvig.", He commands.

"It's too late!", Selvig yells, "She can't stop now. She wants to show us something! A new universe."

"Okay.", Tony lifts his blasters and shoots the barrier, his blast only ricochets and knocks him back further.

Tony talks to JARVIS, then turns and sees Loki, standing proudly on the balcony. He lands his suit and begins to walk inside, relieved to see Josie sat on the sofa, probably not even having noticed his or Loki's presence.

"Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity.", Loki says, casually strolling past Josie.

Tony tries to keep a calm front, "Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

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