Chapter 83 "Seperation"

Start from the beginning

Danny took a deep breath in before exposing himself by running towards the large branch and grabbing it tightly as a weapon. Darts were coming at him from behind and the sound of vines rushing towards him. Danny sees a branch on the tree, grabs it, and runs up on the log of the tree and stood over the branch. Vines and darts kept going after him so he kept on climbling branch by branch until he leaps on another tree. Hidden in the leaves, he spots giant plant heading towards him, its vines wrapping around the tree and its hand reaching out for him.

Danny lets out a deep sigh before he jumps on another tree, hiding in the branches. He couldn't sense the darts heading towards him so he quickly jumped down from the tree and almost fell forward when he landed. Danny groaned from the pain before running away into the bushes and other trees, the giant had cut the tree that Danny last landed on in half, still in search of him. Danny pants as he kept running without looking back, his hand red from gripping on the large branch in his hand. He looked back and his face calmed down when he didn't see the giants in sight and he tripped and tumbled down a small hill, he landed in a small pomd of water that was at the bottom.

Danny's entire hair was wet and he crawled out and had his back against a tree. He was catching his breath ignoring the cold behind his neck and water dripping down his face, his costume gotten soaked aswell. Once Danny was calm he removed the hair tie and slid his hands through his wet hair to straighten it. He was looking at himself in the reflection of the pond water and notices the cut on his cheek and his hair length. It was longer than before that it was already touching his shoulders.

My hair had grown long in a few weeks. Should I cut it? I nearly forgotten how I looked like with short hair while growing up...Would Peter like it if I had short hair? Haha I can only imagine the expression he'll have when he does...Although...the hair does get in the way alot and is exhausting to tie it up in the middle of fighting. Maybe I should I cut it back to short...

He smiled to the idea before he suddenly remembered about his uncle when his smile began to fade away. When he first entered K'un L'un and was under Yu-Ti's and the Thunderer's teachings, they had to shave his hair. All he can remember was Yu-Ti saying that he can let go of the past and have a new reborn life, so he cut off his hair and made him not cut it as he grew up. If he cut it then it would be dishonorable as the Iron Fist and as the adopted nephew of K'un L'un's current leader.

Danny just dropped his hand from his hair and looks down to the pond as he sat by it. Cutting his hair off isn't a good idea. Yu-Ti will be mad and punish him and Peter...probably wouldn't like it. He liked complimenting his hair and wanted to see more styles so Danny decided not to break his bubble like that.

His hair was tied up again with the wet hair tie and looked beside him the large branch. Danny grabs it and looks over it. He was surprised of how strong and sharp the edges were, it fell out of a dead plant so he expected it to be softer and easy to break. The branch was the height up to his neck so it was surprising enough that he could carry it. Danny began to think to himself of the events that happened a while ago as he washes his hands with the pond water to remove the dried green stain on his arm.

The H'ylthri seemed to have delivered a message before I killed it and had tracked their location. They're plants so they might see everything around here and can easily find me. The thing inside them was a bit...familiar. It felt familiar to something but I can place my finger on gave me a weird feeling when I grabbed it and felt like I was going to get burned alive. My fists do seem to be feeling better from earlier...maybe because I haven't used them today while dealing with the H'ylthri.

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