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[Chantel Davidson]

It's his dark brown hair that matched his beautiful brown eyes. It's how he has a sharp jawline and high cheekbones. The way he licks his perfect rosy pink lips. He was just so beautiful. He was a tall Greek god that was walking on land.

I always told myself to stop liking him. To stop falling for his stupid hot good looks. To stop falling for every little detail of his existence.

No one knew I liked him. Every time I saw him I just would go insane. I hated it. I hated how his presence just makes me go mad! I hated it so much!

Just thinking about his beautiful smile that he flashes once every blue moon gave me butterflies. The way he would give a girl a look and make her legs go weak. If only he looked at me that way but he never did.

He looked at me as the girl in the gang that had no purpose in being there. The girl who Ponyboy and Johnny wanted in the gang. He never liked me, gave me weird looks, rolled his eyes at me. The fact that I'm even nice to him is insane.

I mean I usually never talk to him and when I do he makes fun of me or just says something to make me feel bad about myself. I hate when he does that because it always affects me.

He makes me mad. I love the way he looks and his physical appearance overall but when it comes to him talking to anyone he just acts like he owns everyone and everyone has to listen to what he says.

He makes everyone feel like total trash and as if they don't matter. He's an asshole. He uses girls and just throws them to the curve like if they don't matter. He scares little kids and enjoys it, he steals anything he wants. Whatever he wants he gets. He drinks. He does nothing legal and just hurts everyone and gets into jail all the time. He's the definition of a juvenile delinquent.

I don't know why he acts like that. I don't know why he acts like the world is full of hatred. The only person who he has talked to a little was probably Johnny but even to him, he doesn't open up to.

It's like he has walls upon walls upon walls put up, and they aren't easy walls to break. It's like a brick and cement wall put together and he has like 100 of those put up. I just want to know him and how he really is, his soft side the side where he looks at you without undressing you with his eyes.

I just wish he talked about his feelings and how he felt about certain things. Instead, he lashed out and yelled and broke things, hurt people. I bet no one has hugged him before and I bet he needs one.

The boy I am falling for is the one and only
Dallas Winston.

I bet you already found out, by the way, I described him but that's who I like and it's not okay.

I've been friends with Ponyboy and Johnny for a long time, so I met them when we were all in elementary school. We spent a lot of time together.

I've known the gang since 6th grade they treat me like I'm their girl or something. Steve, Two, and Sodapop always make sure I'm okay and happy or they make me participate in stuff cause I'm not really the type of person to do all that but they want me to have fun.

I'm the type of girl who is sensitive and doesn't do anything wrong and has good grades. My parents are strict they aren't that strict but they are strict. Like I have a curfew at like 10 so that's good.

Anyway, that's not the point I'm trying to get at. I was sent off to a Catholic Christian school for a year cause my parents said the junior year was when everything bad starts going on so sent me off for my junior year and well I didn't really like it.

Anyway, I'm finally home after that whole year so now I can have my old life back. Hopefully without having to fall for Dallas Winston once again

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