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[Ponyboy Curtis]

Chantel was full of surprises today. She definitely changed physically cause she has a really curvy body and looks really really hot. That's beside the point! Chantel grabbed Dally by his shirt and told him off which shocked everyone. Chantel was not like this last year, it was kinda hot if I was being honest but still!

Everyone froze after she shut the door behind her.

"That was not Chantel," Dally said to us as he leaned back

"That was Chantel." Johnny nodded

"The new and improved Elle," I said sitting down on the couch

"She's hot" Steve mumbled

"Really hot" two-bit nodded

"This is why you always have to be nice," Soda said to Dally

"That ain't her, the Chantel I know is a little nerd that is annoying as fuck and has glasses and braces and dresses like a religious Christian soc and doesn't fucking talk" he rolled his eyes

"Dal that was 15-16 year old Chantel. She's 17 now went through most of her puberty and not only she learned how to stand up for herself and well she focused on herself a bit more and now this is the new Chantel" Darry explained to him and everyone nodded

"She's cute" Steve grinned and I rolled my eyes

"If you guys got to know her a little more you would realize how fun she is, she's very out there once you get to know her right Johnny"

"Yeah, she's really nice" Johnny nodded

"She's weird and that broad was not her, who does she thinks he is doing that shit? Pissed me off" Dally mumbled under his breath

"Just be nice to her," I said to him

"Or what?" He said back, I didn't say anything back, when Dal was mad he was scary. "That's what I fucking thought"

Everything was kinda awkwardly quiet after that.

"I'm going to Buck's, y'all got mood" Dally got up and left

"Do you think Elle will come tomorrow?" Soda asked  me

"I have no idea"

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