"Once," he said. "I went without for six months I'll have you remember. Six months."

"I'm aware," I laughed. "I love you for it," I grinned tapping his chin. "Are we almost home?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "A few more minutes and then you can go to sleep."

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the car pulled into the castle's driveway going up to the front doors. Gemma and Anne were out front. Gemma was hooting and hollering. I looked at Harry with wide eyes as I waited for the man to open my door. Once the door opened, that's when Gemma's obscenities began.

"THERE BETTER BE A BABY IN THE NEXT NINE MONTHS!" she yelled. I looked at her with a cocked eyebrow. "I was told to be clean."

"It doesn't work for you," I shook my head.

"Get in brother!" she yelled when Harry got out of the car. He flipped her off. "What the fuck happened to your face?" she laughed.

"Sweetheart, what did you do?" Anne asked putting her hand to Harry's confused face.

"He wore his sunglasses," I remarked shaking my head. "Your son is now a raccoon."

"Dear Lord, you'll never get rid of the bad tan," Gemma said. "But I do hope your sex was great, magical, whatever the hell word you want to insert."

"Wet," Harry replied after his mother walked away. He sent me a wink. Gemma crinkled her nose. She wasn't expecting a response.

"Why the fuck would I want to know that?" she slapped his arm.

"I just wouldn't go swimming there...ever if I were you," he grinned walking up the stair to talk to Prince Louis. Gemma looked at me with wide eyes.

"POOL?" she asked. "You did it in the fucking pool?"

"Yep," I nodded. "It was very wet. Same with the river, the ocean, the shower," I listed. "Basically we christened the entire island."

"Fucking hell. Did you two ever sleep?"

"No. Which is why I'm going to go sleep now," I said pointing to the windows on the palace. "I'm knackered."

"About how many times did the coitus occur?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"I want to know which one of the tries my niece or nephew was conceived."

"Not pregnant," I rolled my eyes.

"Not yet," she winked. "How many."

"I'd guess about twice a day...maybe that. It was a lot."

"Twenty-eight?" her eyes widened. "Fucking hell you two. Rabbits. You two are rabbits. You better be pregnant in the next month."

"I doubt it," I rolled my eyes. "I'm off to bed."

"Okay," she sighed. "I'll just be here all by myself. Just like I have been for the past two weeks," she moaned. I rolled my eyes walking past her. Harry turned towards me as he talked to Louis.

"Heading to bed?" he asked. I nodded without saying anything. "I'll come with you. Thanks for everything Louis," Harry said patting Prince Louis on the back. He took my hand and walked through the palace to our bedroom.

"Happy to be home?" he asked.

"I'm too tired to tell you a for sure answer," I mumbled as we climbed the stairs. He let out a loud laugh. "Everyone is so cheery, it's sickening."

"My, aren't you cranky when tired," he chuckled.

"I'm over tired," I said. "All I want to do is curl into a ball and sleep for days. I honestly could say that I could probably sleep through the night and afternoon today," I mentioned. "I'd be up by seven tomorrow morning."

"I have the day off yet, so we'll sleep the day away. Sound good?"

"Anything that involves actual sleeping sounds wonderful," I said as Harry opened our bedroom door. As soon as he closed the door, I stripped out of my clothes, and threw a nightgown on.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were tired."

"I never kid around," I said crawling into bed. I pulled the comforter up to my neck settling into the warmth of the bed. I watched as Harry quietly got undressed across the room.

"Don't you dare clean up," I said. "Sleep. Trish will get it later if she comes in," I said patting the empty space next to me.

Harry contemplated the idea. He paused by the dresser looking at me with his shorts in his hand. He dropped them on the ground before getting into the bed with me. I curled into his side intertwining our legs together as we both settled into our large bed. Harry looked down at me before leaning to me and pressing our lips together.

"Did you have fun on our honeymoon?" Harry asked me.

"I did," I nodded, a smile on my face. "Two weeks was too long though to be completely honest."

"I know," He laughed. "I just wanted to be away as long as I could. Two weeks was a sufficient amount of time I thought. I loved spending time with you."

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I asked.

"I have to review the past two weeks with Prince Louis. You, I believe, have a fitting for your coronation," he mentioned. "They're getting your gown ready for the day. I think Trish's son will be here to talk about your crown and jewelry as well."

"So a long day then?" I asked.

"Definitely," He nodded. "Tomorrow night, we can watch a film and just relax in here."

"That sounds like a lovely idea," I smiled. "Seven is the time we both have to be up?"

 "Yes," he grinned. "Let's go to sleep. You've got me tired now." He leaned over kissing my forehead and holding me close to his chest.

The Queen (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now