Dhampir (Frerard)

Start from the beginning

Frank left a big kiss on Gerards pasty white cheek, letting his hand move freely down to Gerards baby bump. It was significantly large, seeing as he was only six months. There wasn't much information about how long he would be pregnant for.

"Your family hates me." Gerard mumbled.

"It doesn't matter! I dont give two shits about what they think, you're my beautiful husband."

"They're going to hate their hybrid grandchild."

"They're Dhampirs, Gerard. They're perfectly normal. Dhampirs can live perfect lives, and ours will. D'you really think id marry you and have a baby with you if i didn't like vampires?"

Gerard shrugged.

"Well, i love you Gerard, human or vampire."

Franks tattooed hand captured the back of Gerards messy, jet black hair, then pressing a kiss to his lips. He kneeled down, hearing his knees crack as he did so. He pressed his ear against Gerards flannel shirt that covered his stomach, smiling each time he felt the baby moving.

"Hey sweetheart.." He whispered, "Mama isn't feeling too happy right now. How about we show him how much we care about him? You stop moving around for a bit, i'll wait till im feeling better, and then mommy can drink my blood again. You seem to love it. I love you baby girl, i cant wait to meet you."

"As long as i get more of your blood Frankie." Gerard grinned.

"Your mommy likes the sound of that too. He's already got his fangs out. Oh! My little girl is gonna have fangs!"

Gerard hummed, "I hope shes a vampire. I've always wanted a vampire baby."


Frank loved watching Gerard draw. His back hunched over, hair covering most of his face, biting his tongue as he worked. He loved Gerard so focused, not worrying about people finding out about him and taking him away. He was terrified that the baby would be taken away from him, he would never let them take her.

"Relax..." Frank heard Gerard groan out loud.

"You okay..?"


"You sure?"

"Just cramps.."

Frank approached Gerard from behind, pressing kisses to the back of Gerards head. His fingers caressed the curve of Gerards belly, making Gerard giggle.

"What are you drawing?"

"You. You and the baby."

Frank grabbed the sketchbook from the desk and looked at it. It was a detailed sketch of Frank holding a baby bundled in a pink blanket.

"Damn...Thats amazing Gee...Can i look through your book?"

"Go ahead. I-Im gonna go for a walk...Stops the cramps.."

Frank helped Gerard to button up his coat and tie his shoelaces, smooched his cheek and then his baby bump, and said goodbye. Gerard walked out of the house, black coat on and a black and grey striped scarf. It was late at night, so he was safe.

Frank grabbed the sketchbook and started to look through the pages. A lot of the drawings were of himself and Gee, some of them were drawings of just Frank, a lot of them were just Frank holding hands with a small black haired baby with blood red eyes and tiny fangs. Gerard had been drawing himself, Frank and a baby for years. He wanted children so much, but he was so scared Frank wouldn't want that.

He finally told Frank he wanted a baby when he couldn't keep his eyes away from Mikeys and Rays girl, Grace. Grace was a few weeks old when Gerard saw her. He immediately caught baby fever, and started pawing at Frank. Every time they went to the store, Gerard would stop and stare at baby toys and clothes, and eventually Frank noticed. Frank talked to Gerard about it, and finally got the truth; Gerard wanted a baby.

Frank was so in love with Gerards art. Gerard really had a hand for it. He spent his days cooped up in an art studio with his sketchbooks, and when he wasn't, he was getting the babys room ready. He was nesting; painting the room, getting the crib as perfect as he could, and getting himself comfortable. Frank knew people nested while pregnant, but not to Gerards extent. That must've been a vampire thing. Gerard wanted to have the baby in the comfort of his home too, he hated hospitals.

Franks thoughts were cut off by his phone ringing on the counter. He saw that Gerard was calling, so he answered.

"Hey babe-"

"Frank! I-I think i'm im labor!" He yelled back.

"Where are you?"

"I-Im in the park! Fuck...Its hurting so bad.."

"Stay there hun, im on my way."

"Please hurry Frankie.."

"Im coming, okay? Stay there."

Frank grabbed his car keys, quickly grabbed a pair of sneakers and put them on. He ran out to the car, got in the drivers seat and sped towards the park.


"Gee...Shes beautiful.." Frank whispered, "Come on Gee, you gotta wake up.."

Gerard was completely unconscious, Frank couldn't wake him up. He was breathing, barely, there was no other vitals Frank could check since Gerard didnt have a heartbeat.

The baby began to cry, grabbing Franks shirt and letting out loud shrieks. She wouldn't sleep, she must've been hungry. She looked like Gerard a lot; snow white skin, blood red eyes and jet black hair, but with Franks facial features like his mouth and his face shape.

"Gee, wake up honey..."

"F-Fuck...What happened..?"

"You-You had the baby...you blacked out...its been three hours.."

"Where is she..?"

Frank smiled, laying the new born into Gerards arms. Gerards face immediately softened at the sight of his child, she was still crying and screaming for him.

"Shes hungry, i think."

"Look away." Gerard stated.

"Hun, i've seen you naked. I don't mind seeing your chest."

Gerard pulled the top of his shirt down, exposing his bare chest. The baby immediately started to drink from him, Gerard did not like that feeling. Frank laughed at Gerards changing facial features.

"This is fucking weird...This is how you feel when i feed on you?"

"Dunno Gee, you haven't breastfed me."

Gerards face dropped into an expression of shock and horror, "Thats gross! Oh my god Frank! We're not gonna be that freaky couple, okay?"

"Alright Gee. I wasn't planning on it."

They both grinned and smiled at each other.

Bandit Lee Iero was born on February 8th, 2007, to a human and a vampire. Despite being a hybrid of the two species, she was perfect in every possible way. When Frank saw Gee holding her, he thought, How can vampires be evil, when this one is holding a half human child? How could vampires hate humans, when this one looks at his human husband with so much love and passion? And most importantly, why would he carry a humans child?

ayo bandit got my birthday. fuck yeah

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