Chapter 22

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"We're all in the same game; just different levels. Dealing with the same hell; just different devils."


Adilyn's POV

Mila disappears for the next few hours, telling me she needs, 'the perfect fabric for my dress.' I didn't realise she was going to make me something herself, but she assured me she is desperate to.

When she left for the shops I kept myself busy following orders from Chloe to set up the house for tonight. Hanging fairy lights around, lanterns in trees, placing chairs on the lawn, blowing up beach balls for the lake. Any request she had I was on to it.

I wanted to keep myself busy, distract myself from thinking about what Harry was up to today and more importantly if he was okay. The irritation I was feeling had resolved as soon as he had left and I found myself feeling guilty for snapping like I did.

I felt stupid thinking back on the conversation, embarrassed in myself for getting mad at thought of him not thinking I was strong enough to help him instead of just actually helping him.

His explanation of me as a honeybee still plays over in my head. When I think about it, it makes my heart swell a little. Don't ask me why because I don't know.

I lift my hand and wipe at the layer of sweat that had formed on my forehead. It's really hot today and I have spent most of the day outside in the sun. I can feel the heat of the rays tanning my skin.

I'm currently helping Chloe wrap rows of fairy lights around the front porch railing. I've spent most of my time with her today coming to know just how sweet she really is.

She told me all about how she is a model for the fashion company Mila works for, explaining how they have known each other for years. It makes so much sense that she is a model, looking at her long legs, skinny frame, and beautiful hair - she is perfect for the role.

When I had asked her about Naz she had gushed and gone into their story of how he had worked at one of the fashion shows she was a part of as the electrical engineer fixing the light show for the runway. He was such a sweet talker but they hadn't gotten together until this trip. Mila had invited him. Always playing cupid.

"Pass me those lights," Chloe instructs pointing to another pile of fairy lights next to me. I bend down and grab them, passing one end to her so we can untangle the wires.

"So where is Naz today?" I ask her casually. I have been fighting the question off all day.

She looks up from the wires and flashes me her soft blue eyes. "Niall and Harry are at some family thing in their hometown. He didn't say much about it before he left," she says simply.

A family thing? Interesting.

"They only grew up a couple of hours from here so they should be back tonight," she continues explaining.

"Well, that's good," I reply, trying to keep my voice casual to hide my intrigue.

She continues to explain, "I think it was for Harry's family, but the two them grew up together, practically brothers really. So, I guess it makes sense that he would go too."

"I can see that," I nod my head, remembering Harry speak so fondly of Naz in our previous conversations.

"So," Chloe begins and her voice is somewhat hesitant, "Is there something going on between you and Harry?"

My eyes flick to hers and I think they may go a little wide.

"I - Well," I stutter before sighing. "It's complicated."

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