Chapter 3

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"Attraction is only intense when mystery is involved."

- Nichole Driscoll


Harry's POV

I lift the blue cup back up to my lips taking another long sip. The taste of vodka is strong as I let the liquid burn its way down my throat.

Naz laughs next to me, his complete attention on Chloe, too focused on whatever she is saying to even notice I'm still standing next to him.

As soon as Mila and Adilyn had run off, his relentless flirting had started back up with her, like it has been all day.

I close my eyes briefly and run my hand over my hair, the curls twist and weave around my fingers. My eyes burst back open at the sound of a high-pitched squeal. My fingers snap immediately to my hip for what usually sits there, as they have been trained to do.

By the high frequency I can tell it's Mila before even spotting her. I watch as she propels herself off the jetty forming a bomb shape with her limbs before disappearing in a small splash of water. Her smiling face emerges soon after, another squeal coming from her. My hand relaxes back to my side.

"Come on, Adi!" She calls out. "Get in!"

My eyes drift to Adilyn who stands halfway along the jetty. Her head shakes dramatically from side to side as she bends over in laughter, the action making her shorts ride up her legs.

I can't stop my eyes from raking down her body, gliding over the tan skin of her legs.

Movement catches my attention and I watch as Liam and Cooper sprint across the grass and along the jetty. Adilyn steps back quickly, moving out of the way of their incoming bodies. They both launch themselves off the end of the jetty, Cooper only missing Mila by an inch. Loud whoops are heard from both of them before they plummet underwater.

I start to walk down to the jetty, watching as Mila smacks Cooper across the head as he emerges from underneath the water.

"You nearly hit me, you idiot!" Mila shouts swiping at him again.

My eyes follow Adilyn as she strolls to the end of the jetty and sits down, dangling her legs over the edge.

As I approach the jetty I smile slightly, watching as Cooper casually dunks Mila under the water. I admire the soft grin on Adilyn's face as she looks to her right, watching them.

My feet pad heavily along the boards of the jetty as I make my way to the end. In a swift motion I plonk myself down next to Adilyn, legs dangling off the side of the planks mirroring hers.

She flicks her head towards me, a friendly closed-mouth smile appearing on her lips. I meet her eyes and I'm taking aback by their deep shade of blue.

"Hey," I greet, returning her smile.

"Hi," she curtly responds, her gaze turning back to the water.

Everyone has seemed to relax now, Mila and Cooper quietly bickering, whilst Justin casually tosses a ball to him.

My legs swing back and forth, mirroring Adilyn's movements. My feet swirl in the coolness of the water, whilst hers don't quite reach.

"So, you're Mila's best friend?" I ask, already knowing the answer but wanting to start a conversation.

She peers at me curiously before answering, "Yeah I am, I've known her all my life."

I nod, about to ask another question.

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