Chapter 18

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"Show me all the parts of you that you do not like so I know where to begin."


Harry's POV

After drying myself off with a towel, I pull on a new pair of shorts and another black T-shirt. With one quick swipe of the towel over my head, the curly strands of my hair are left poking in all directions.

I run my hand along the line of stubble covering my jaw, the spikiness a foreign feeling. With Adilyn waking up in my bed this morning I was too preoccupied to even bother with my shaving routine.

I chuck the towel on the hanger in the bathroom and make my way out of my room.

"Hey, Hazza!" Naz calls as I pass him in the hallway. I turn to look at him.

"Wanna help me make a fire?" He asks, his hand gliding through the wet strands on his head.

"Sure man," I agree and follow him outside. My eyes scan over everyone as we approach the fire pit. Chloe and Mila still sit on the jetty, but Adilyn is no longer with them.

I focus my attention on the pile of wood, expertly arranging it in the fire pit and adding a layer of kindling underneath it. I have made my fair share of fires in my day with much fewer resources than this.

Naz grabs the box of matches from next to the fire pit and flicks one to life. He chucks it onto the kindling, a small flame flickering immediately.

The sun is starting to make its way down the horizon and the air is starting to lose its heat. I stand above the fire, watching as it starts to burn to life.

Courtney and Candace walk over from their cosy spot on the grass to plant themselves on a log near the fire. Candace looks at me for a moment, studying me and I offer her a smile. These two girls mostly keep to themselves, so I've barely spent anytime with them since being here. Naz, finished with the task of lighting the fire, makes his way back over to Chloe. Figures.

My eyes scan around again.

"She's over there," Candace speaks up and I snap my gaze to her. She is giving me a knowing smile as she points in the direction of a hammock that sits on the far side of the lake away from everyone.

I follow her finger and squint at the hammock, noticing a figure curled up inside. I glint of red flashes from inside the material. Adilyn.

I glance back at Candace and she grins at me. She gives a flick of her head towards Adilyn, encouraging me to go over to her. I don't need any more convincing.

I make my way in her direction and as I get closer I notice she is curled up on her side within the material. Her features are soft and her lips are parted. Her arms are tucked into her chest, one leg stretched out, the other tucked up. She's asleep.

She looks so calm and serene I don't want to disturb her. I turn back around to leave her to her sleep.

"Please," she says and her voice sounds pleading.

I snap my gaze back to her, but her eyes remain closed.

"Please don't go," she whines. I step closer to her, studying her. Is she talking to me?

"You can't do this. I need you here." I study her more closely, she's definitely asleep.

Her voice is tight and it sounds so pained I want to wake her up.

What is she dreaming about? Whatever it is, it isn't good.

"You can't make me do this."

"Please!" She almost screams and my hand reaches out for her. "Don't make me do this!"

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