Chapter 13

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"You're exhausted from patterns that seem to resurface and repeat."


Adilyn's POV

The towel slips from its position around my body, falling to my feet. I pull the T-shirt Harry gave me over my head, the material soft as it glides over my damp cheeks. The shirt holds a powerful scent, as the material passes my nose, the fragrance a delicate mixture between spice, citrus and something I can only explain as man.

It's strangely comforting.

The hem falls loosely to just above my mid-thigh.

I pull the shorts he gave me up my legs, the waistband landing at my belly button. I pull the drawstring tight and fold the waistband a few times attempting to keep them securely up. His clothes are all black and very baggy on me, I must look ridiculous.

I try to keep my mind clear and wipe my tears away for the millionth time tonight. At this point, my body has gone numb, unable to feel anything, the powerful waves of emotion exhausting me.

I can't believe I lost someone else.

Why does this keep happening to me?

As soon as I had walked into the birthing room and faced the heartbroken eyes of Caroline I knew I would face another death.

I tried to do everything I could but it was already too late.

I release a shuddering breath. Without even looking in the mirror I know my face is red and my eyes are swollen. I avoid my reflection, not wanting to see my own pain.

I shake my head and reach for the door of the bathroom. Pulling it open, my eyes travel immediately to where Harry is sitting on the edge of the bed. He looks lost in thought.

I was so surprised when I had seen him standing outside my car window and even more surprised by the concern and support he immediately offered. I'm not used to talking about the horrible things I experience, always coming home to an empty house. I'm so used to lying in my childhood bed alone, letting the sobs escape me freely, letting my pain out uncontrollably. I'm not used to having someone else there and I don't like anyone seeing my pain.

But right now, I don't have the strength to hide it from him.

He looks up at me then, gaze flicking over me as his eyes widen slightly. I eye him curiously as he gives a quick shake of his head as if pushing some thought away. He stands quickly and walks over to me. The concern is written all over his features, but I don't have the energy to convince him I am okay.

He stands shirtless before me, but I don't let my eyes travel down his bare chest, I just keep them locked on his deep green eyes.

I don't know what to do. I feel embarrassed about him seeing me like that: so vulnerable, so raw.

"Are you okay?" he questions softly, his tone is calm and soothing.

I nod without thinking but the tears pooling in my eyes offers a different answer.

To my surprise, he reaches forward hands landing on my shoulders as he pulls me into his chest. His arms circle around my shoulders and back as he hugs me tightly to him. I stiffen, slightly shocked by his comforting gesture. But the warmth of his chest and strong arms around me make me relax, filling me with a foreign sense of comfort. The scent from before hits me even harder as I inhale a shaky breath.

I sniffle loudly, my nose still blocked from my previous bouts of crying. I feel the tears slip down my cheeks once again, wetting his skin as my face presses sideways into his bare chest. His hand pats gently over my hair, the action surprisingly offering some consolation. My forehead is aligned to the eyes of the two birds on his chest and I come to recognise them as swallows caught in flight.

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