Chapter 14

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"People can perfect whatever facade they want, but everyone holds their sins close to the skin."

- Jeaniene Frost


Harry's POV

The sound of distant voices wakes me from my sleep. My eyelids flutter at the sound of a high-pitched laugh. I grasp at the covers pulling them right up to my chin, basking in the warmth of the bed a little longer. A bright light shines behind my eyelids, forcing them to lazily drift open. Sunlight streams through the window, the morning rays casting the room in a radiant glow.

The night before floods through my mind. Adilyn.

I roll over to where she had fallen asleep only to find an empty space. It's early in the morning probably around eight o'clock. When had she left?

The memory of her lips on mine plays through my mind and my fingers drift to my them, remembering the warmth of her kiss.

Another distant cackle of laughter floods through the room. Everyone went to bed early last night, so it makes sense that people are up already.

Begrudgingly, I slip from the warmth of the bed, stumbling still half asleep to the bathroom.

Stepping under the stream of hot water, I'm immediately reminded of who occupied the shower last. Memories of the night play through my head as I wash myself absentmindedly.

The pain on her face... The explanation of what happened... Her lips on mine...

I've never seen her so vulnerable. I'm surprised she didn't try and hide her emotion from me.

I'm anxious to see her today, curious as to see how she will act. I'm almost positive she won't show anyone the pain or sadness she is feeling. But I wonder if she'll show me.

I shut the water off, drying myself quickly before stepping out onto the tiled floor. After brushing my teeth, I run a razor along the small stubble that had grown on my face. Unable to break the habit of keeping myself clean cut. My hair is the longest it has been, since I have been on leave for a while. I haven't had to cut it so the curls have formed a haphazard mop on the top of my head, although my sides are a little more tamed in their shorter length.

The room, when I walk back into it, is warm, signalling it is going to be another hot day. I chuck on a pair of light blue board shorts and a black loose-fitting singlet.

I follow the sound of voices to the kitchen and I'm instantly met with the smiling faces of Naz, Mila, Cooper and Chloe.

"Hey man," Naz greets, sending me a grin as his arm is slung over Chloe's shoulders. The glint to his eyes tells me he is more than happy with whatever played out between them last night.

"Morning," the two girls chorus while Cooper nods his head to me.

"Hey guys," I greet, making a beeline for the coffee jug.

Cooper hovers over the stove, scooping pancakes onto a plate already piled high with them. The smell wafts past my nose and my stomach growls.

"Where's everyone else?" I question, turning around to the group leaning back on the bench with my hot coffee in hand.

Mila answers, "Candace and Courtney are out on the jetty. Liam is in the shower and Adilyn is still in bed asleep."

So Adilyn went back to her bed last night. I wonder if Mila knows where Adilyn fell asleep last night?

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