Chapter 10

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"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand."

- Neil Armstrong


Harry's POV

I lean down against the edge of the pool table, cue in hand as I aim my shot. The ball in front of me seems to sway slightly before I jerk my hand forward to make my shot, missing my target.

I hear Mila and Adilyn giggle at me. I flick my eyes their way, glaring at them as they relax on the sofa, feet entwined and red cups full of more alcohol. They are so drunk.

Judging by the way the ball had swayed in front of me though, I'm not much different.

Music blares through the speakers that rest against one of the walls, playing some pop song that I haven't heard before.

We have been playing pool for a while now, Naz and I the reigning champions - our drunk skills slightly better than Cooper and Liam's.

The two girls squeal loudly and we all turn to eye them curiously. Both of them leap off the cushions of the sofa and start to dance around to the beat of the song that just started to play, laughing the whole time. Adilyn's smile is the brightest I've seen it.

Mila still only wears a pink bikini showing off her slim figure as she dances around. Adilyn's chest is only covered by the black bikini but one hand holds a towel tightly around her waist, covering the rest of her body.

I can't help but watch them as they parade around, dancing animatedly. Adilyn lifts her free arm up and twirls Mila beneath it, a flash of black ink capturing my attention underneath her left breast. The way her arm is extended high into the air makes the inked word just visible.


The word is written in small cursive letters and is barely visible as it pokes slightly out from the bottom of her bikini strap.

I didn't take her as someone to have tattoos.

She drops her arm back down and my view of it is blocked off. Mila reaches for her hands, forcing her strong grip on the towel to falter. It falls to the ground, revealing her body.


Her movements pause momentarily as she feels the towel drop but Mila pulls her into a dance. She spins Adilyn around her, the movement revealing all sides of Adilyn's body.


Yep, I have to look away. I revert my eyes back to the game and take my shot, aiming for the black ball as I attempt to win the game.

I breathe deeply then take the shot, the ball rocketing into the net winning us the game.

Naz and I both cheer loudly, Naz singing proudly, "We are the champions!"

I let out a whoop.

"Too bad, Cooper," Mila says to him smugly. Cooper's attention flicks to her but becomes way too focused on her body in the bikini to formulate a witty response. She smirks knowingly at him.

Finally coming to his senses, he runs at her grabbing her by the waist and swinging her around before walking out the door with her. He calls back, "C'mon guys lets go outside, this game sucks!"

The rest of us laugh at his comment and follow him out the door. As we walk outside, I notice the sun is beginning to set, making the sky glow with an orange haze.

We all sprawl ourselves out on the grass forming a small circle. Cooper pulls Mila down into him, to sit in between his legs and she leans her back against his chest.

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