Leaving the building, I started my walk to college when I saw this one guy from there, who likes to get on my nerves.

"Where're you going, mistake?" He asked, smiling weirdly.

"Hell. You want to join?" I replied in a low tone, not at all interested in this conversation.

"Who would want to join you? A worm? Nah!" He said and laughed.

I just walked away and suddenly, he grabbed the back of my collar and pulled me, causing me to fall on the floor.

"That's what you get for being a mistake." He told me and walked away.

I got up, dusted my clothes and continued walking to school. I would've punched him on the spot, but I'm trying to control myself, as my anger issues are really bad. I tried to go to therapy but always got bored of it and never consulted the same therapist the second time, and now there is no other therapist left around here that I know about.

When I reached, I entered through the main gates and saw students already there. I wasn't late, though. I went inside and approached my locker.

Opening it, I took off my jacket and put it inside. I then grabbed my books and when I closed it, I saw some of my 'friends', two guys and two girls behind, staring at me.

"Look who it is! The great freak!" One of the girls, the blondie said.

I kept staring at them uninterestedly without saying anything which made them angry and one of the guys with brown hair punched me really hard in the guts, causing me to drop my books on the floor.

I was used to the pain, so I just tried to bend down and pick up my books when the other guy with blonde hair grabbed my throat and lifted me upwards.

I tried to release myself from his grip but it was tightening, so I kicked him in the groin, causing him to release me and grunt in pain.

"Have a nice day." I said and picked up my books, walking away shortly after.

I tried to forget it and walked toward my first class. I opened the door and yeah, I was late. Great!

"Ms. Jones, you're late. Mind telling me why?" The teacher, Mrs. Rider asked with a hint of rudeness in her voice.

"Heavy traffic." I lied in a low voice. I always talk lowly, it's become a habit now.

"Is that my problem?" She asked now rather bitterly.

"Did I blame you?" I asked and she threw me a glare. A few students were snickering but just for a few seconds as the teacher asked the class to be silent.

"Whatever. Go sit down." She said and I went to the very back left corner of the class, where I always sit to avoid attention.

Classes went by like every other day. People glaring at me, or calling me names. I was pretty popular. It was normal.

At lunch time, I went to my locker, put my books in and went to the cafeteria. I don't usually eat anything at school. I just sit in the cafeteria and play games on my phone, which was also gifted to me by the same person.


College was finally over for today and students had already started leaving the building. I, too left the building after getting my jacket from my locker and putting it on, and started walking back home. On my way, my phone beeped, and I switched it on to see a message.

'How are you?' It said. 'I'm fine, just walking back home from college.' I replied and switched it back off, putting it back in my pocket.

I reached home and went upstairs to the twelfth floor, where my apartment was. It is a small apartment with a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom with a single sized bed and an attached bathroom. I straight-up went to the bathroom and took a shower first.

After shower, I felt fresh and put on some loose clothes. I dried my hair and went to the kitchen.

There was some leftover chicken and bread in the refrigerator, so I decided to make a sandwich.

After I was done eating, I went to the bedroom to study for a while. I wrote some pending essays and read some chapters and it was really boring, so I listened to some music while doing my work.

After what felt like hours of studying, I felt like a nerd and was done. I put my books and stuff back in their places and laid down on my bed. I don't know when my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

Normal day. Normal life...



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