"Here, it's not much, but I added some fruits and snacks for you to snack on while you are here. For lunch, you can probably get something from their cafeteria; I know you will do great on your exam." He hands Jin the bag and leans forward, kissing his lips, and then he bends down and kisses his stomach, "Be good to your Appa today, all of you."

Jin blushed as people around them looked their way and smiled while gushing at how cute Jungkook's actions were. Slapping Jungkook on the shoulder, he told him to get up, "you are causing a scene; stand up."

"Look at you being shy. Is it wrong for your husband to make you feel loved outside in public?"

"Why are you like this?"

"Because I love you, and it feels good to take you to school before I head to work."

Jin smiled, and he shakes his head, "I love you too, now go to work before you are late, and thank you for preparing this for me."

"I love you more, and call me when you are ready to go home; I can take my lunch break and drop you back home-"

"It's fine, I can take a cab...fine, I will call you," Jin said, changing his mind after seeing the look Jungkook was giving him.

Smiling, Jungkook places a kiss on Jin's lips, "great, now go on, have a good day, and call me if anything, love you."

"Love you too," Jin responded as he walked towards the school; it felt weird being there, but knowing Jimin would be with him throughout the day made him feel a lot better.

Resting his hand on his stomach, he sighs, "it needs to be three weeks already; I am so ready not to have yall crowding around in there."


"That exam was so hard!" Jimin groaned and bit into his sandwich.

Jin stared at him, confused, "it was?"

Jimin rolled his eyes, "of course, for you, it was easy, I swear I would do anything to have your brains."

"No, you don't, I might be smart when it comes to school, but have you seen how much I lack when it comes to other things? You are fine with your brain; trust me, you don't want this brain of mine. Soon it will all become smush. I can already see these kids draining me of everything I have. Besides, I am home all day. I am either playing with Sunghee, studying, or reading to the babies; it is not much for me to do. At night, Jungkook and I binge watch t.v. shows, while he massages my ankles because it's like I am carrying the pregnancy in my legs, they are so sore, along with my back, I can't wait not to be pregnant."

Jimin pouts slightly while listening to Jin, he didn't know what it was to be pregnant, but he could tell it was not fun and probably painful. "You lack nothing, not in my eyes anyway, you are so smart, I know after all of this you are going to be the best nurse, or maybe even doctor, who knows with your brain you can be anything. You are going birth control after this, right?"

Jin nods, "of course I am, gosh, if I get pregnant again, might as well just end my life, I can't, not for a very long time. Five kids are enough-"

"Seokjin, I didn't expect to see you here. Jimin, good to see you." Taehyung said, interrupting Jin as he takes a seat next to him.

"Hey, Tae." Jimin gave a smile and returned to eating his sandwich.

Jin turned to look at Taehyung, who he hardly had much of a relationship with, but knew him through Jungkook as well as his history of accommodating Jungkook and Yoongi to bully him. "I had an exam, didn't know you would go here too."

"Oh, I see, and yeah, I go here, studying pre-med."

"Cool," Jin responded and began picking at his food.

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