Of Leads and Boundries

Start from the beginning

"Well, we do like to change the norm, right?" Eunji said, slowly stepping towards him. "You're the one who suggested it after all." She said, taking one of his hands and kissing the back of it.

Chan only gave her another blank stare. "Taking the male lead and dancing show tango alone are two different things." He then pulled his hand from hers and wiped it on his sweatpants. "Go get someone from Maesil-ssi's class perform with you. I betㅡ"

"No." She refused prefusely with an irritated look. "I'm not going to teach a random guy for seven days just so they can mess with me." Eunji crossed her arms and walked backwards to the center of the room, her eyes still on him.

"Then do what you want." Chan gave up. He inched a little closer to the sound system to help with playing the song.

"That, I'll do." She grinned at him, making the bow. "Shadow dance with me."

Chan gave out a hearty laugh. "You did not just make a boxing reference."

"I did." She answered, going into position.

"That was so bad."

"Ah, but you laughed." Eunji rebutted. "Now, play the damn song and follow along."

Chan did as he was told. The song revibrated in the empty room as he watched her dance the smooth and sharp moves, envisioning himself hand in hand with her. His eyes lingered and soaked in every intricate detail of her body line as they lock gazes from time to time.

They had been dancing together for as long as he can remember. Their dads were best mates who put up this dance studio together and they basically just grew up with it. He and Eunji had been rivals, classmates, best friends, and dance partners since day one. They understood each other more than anyone else. And yet, for the past few days that he had been watching her dance alone, she looked so foreign to him. Like she was someone else.

"Don't worry, Woojin is very skilled," the older woman said, standing beside him.

Chan had talked with the ballroom instructor, Maesil, in the studio to introduce her best student to Eunji for their school evaluation. The younger female was obviously not very happy about it but still met with them in the practice room out of respect for the time the instructor and her pupil took. And now, the two of them were watching Eunji explain to the other male that she will be leading the dance.

"Though, I must say, you two are too ambitious with this choreography. It's very bold but risky." Maesil said afterwards. "And she will do the lifts and dips too?"

"She insisted on having a few but they aren't something major." Chan answered dryly, his eyes never leaving the other two people in the middle of the room. "Although, she can get overconfident sometimes."

"Hmm? Then they need to sort it out for their chemistry to work. But I still think it's way too dangerous for her to do it." The instructor only shook her head in disbelief. "Mainly the lifts, of course."

She bid them goodbye after that, leaving the three behind. Chan sat there as Eunji and Woojin began the first part of the routine, nitpicking on the slightest misstep they make. They actually looked like a good tandem if Chan was to be honest. But everytime he watched them make eye contact and Woojin sliding his palm on her, it disturbed him more than he thought.

After the first part was over, he stood up and grabbed his things before making his way to the door.

"Where are you going?" He heard her ask. Chan looked up and saw that they stopped dancing and she released the other male.

"I'm going home." He replied then eyed Woojin. "Don't make her angry or let her drop you. Look what she did to me."


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