DAY 11 - PART 2

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Minho, Thomas, and I led everyone through the Maze. Newt and Alby stayed back, helping any stragglers.

We were extra cautious now that we had so many non runners with us. Minho checked around every corner for grievers. I'm sure we'd encounter them, but we'd rather be aware and ready for a griever attack.

We were slower than our normal pace, so by the time we made it to the outer section, the sun was already below the Maze.

It usually varied what time the grievers emerged, but tonight, as soon as the sun started to dip below the Maze, we could hear distant griever screams.

If we could make it past the Blades before it got dark, we wouldn't have to worry about the Maze shifting.

A few boys wanted to stop for a break. We really shouldn't but how could we expect these boys to run like this without one.

Minho and Thomas picked a closed in corridor, so we'd atleast be able to defend against any grievers.

We didn't have much water, so we had to remind everyone not to drink too much. We all tried to eat some of the food we'd brought.

Overall, the break seemed to boost morale and I felt more energized. And no griever attacks.

Thomas and Minho tried to explain the Blades, and what people should do if they start to close. If anyone got stuck behind, they'd be blocked off from us for who knows how long.

We started the last leg to the griever hole. Everything was going smoothly... until the Blades started slamming shut. Not in their usual pattern either.

There was a kid going through one and we heard the rusted metal sound of the Blades. We turned around, just in time to see the Blade literally slice through him.

Some boys screamed. I might have too, if I didn't know it would only help the grievers located. There was no saving the boy. We needed to go. Now.

"Everyone! Stay close and get through as fast as you can!" Thomas yelled out.

Newt and Alby tried to encourage the boys on. We were almost through when there was another whoosh of the Blades and a scream. Another boy who's name I didn't know. We were down to 12.

"Come on!" Minho yelled, and finally everyone was through the Blades.

Still no sign of grievers. Weird.

We made our way to the griever hole. Minho pulled the stinger arm from his pack. There was the same clicking sound as the first time and the stone door still upward, and all the partitions between us and the round opening.

We walked along the bridge-like walkway. Then another scream. We all whipped around to see a grieved dragging Gio over the edge. Fry dove forward and grabbed his hands.

More people piled onto Fry, trying to drag Gio back up. But then the griever drove its stinger through his neck.

I dove back in horror. Not Gio. He was too kind hearted and funny and ... and he was gone. Just like that. Another casualty of the Maze.

Fry was still at the edge, in shock. The guy next to him tried to jerk Fry up as he yelled out, "Theres more! They're coming up the sides!"

Some boys rushed to the other side, and confirmed that more grievers were coming from there too.

"Guys, keep going! We gotta get through that hole!" I yelled.

I saw Newt and Alby dragging some guys along. Thomas and Minho and I made it to the hole. Just as it clicked open, the grieves made it onto the bridge.

The guys at the back, including Jack and Clint, tried to fend off the grievers with the spears and trackhoe equipment. It was working. We hopped in the hole. There was no light.

Then, the same red beam as last time seemed to scan over us and the alarm went off. The stones were going to start closing.

"Everybody, over here!" Minho screamed. The boys retreated, still barely fighting off the grievers.

One boy lost control of his spear and a grieved dragged him behind the others.

"Come on!! The stones are going to come down, you have to be inside!" I screamed.

Chuck made it inside with us. Newt and Alby were still trying to usher in the other boys.

After the red beam had scanned us there was blackness for a few seconds before red light came from one of the sides of the hole.

It was rings of numbers. 1-9. Like the sections of the Maze. We must have to enter the order, as a code. I was about to say as much when another boy screamed.

One of the grievers had broken past the defenses and started going to for Newt and Alby.

"Newt! Alby! Look out!" I panicked.

Alby pulled out his knife, ready to defend against the griever. Clint and Jack and another guy were still pushing the grievers back.

"Minho! Thomas! It's a code. What was the order of the maze sections??" Minho started calling out numbers. I entered them.

Clint and Jack and the other kid were almost to us. The stone was starting to fall. Thomas and Minho yelled for them.

The grievers were uncomfortably close at this point, and I still needed 4 numbers.

"Minho!" I yelled and he continued.

Newt and the others had made it inside the hole, thank god. Or so I thought, as I entered the last numbers.

I turned back around to see Alby fighting off a griever that had made it past the last stone wall.

"Alby! Come on man!" Newt screamed. Thomas and Minho were trying to throw spears and knives at the grieved. The door was starting to close.

The griever was not giving up. Alby gave one last look over his shoulder, then he dove for the griever. They both went over the edge, and the door closed.

Thomas and Minho and Newt screamed for Alby, but it was too late. He'd saved us. That griever would have made it in with us if he'd stopped fighting.

It was black again, until the circle of numbers lit up again, but green this time.

There was a click and a door opened. Harsh light shone on us, and the air felt cooler.

I looked back at the boys. 9, there were 9 left now. I peaked out of the door and saw a long hallway going both directions.

The rest of the boys came out of the door. I could see their faces better now. I immediately searched for Newt and Thomas.

They both looked shocked and unstable. It reminded me of when Alby had been stung. They seemed lost without the leader, even though I knew they were both capable. Minho seemed put together atleast. I couldn't even think about the boys we lost yet, we had to still find our way out.

I looked to Minho and he gave me a curt nod and a weary look. "Guys, we need to go," he stated.

Everyone was in a stupor but they followed as we started to go left down the hallway. There were some visible doors. Maybe one would finally get us the hell away from all of this. It was all I could hope for.

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