Choices- Jughead Jones (2)

Start from the beginning

"Hey Y/N." Archie gave her a warm smile.

"Y/N, you don't have to-"

"Denny, I said it's okay. I'm okay. Can you give us a minute?" She assured her friend. Denny sighed, pushing past Jughead through the doorway.

"Come on redhead. We'll go to the lounge." He grumbled. Archie followed behind him with a victorious smirk on his face. Y/N moved past Jughead and into her room, Jughead close behind. No one said anything for a moment.

"I can't believe I'm actually looking at you." Jughead whispered. She sat cross-legged on her bed, hands in her lap, looking anywhere but at him. "Y/N, I.."

"What do you want? Why are you here?" She snapped, finally looked at him. Tears rimmed her stunning eyes. He sat in her desk chair, not really wanting to get close and make her uncomfortable. She was thankful for that. If he got any closer, she figured she might start sobbing.

"You blocked me and I needed to make this right." He stated. She sighed, shaking her head.

"There's nothing for you to make right anymore." Her voice quivered with every syllable she spoke.

"I didn't know they sent you that message."

"It's not just the text, Jughead. How come you don't see that?" Y/N was crying now. Tears flowed down her cheeks in a steady rhythm as her breath hiccuped. "For months, MONTHS, we talked every minute of every day. And don't sit there and tell me life got in the way, because both of our lives were chaos long before you stopped replying to threw me away like trash, like I meant NOTHING to you and you just moved on with your life when you got a girlfriend. It was like I didn't exist anymore. At any point, you could have just told me. You could have told me you'd be replying less, that you wanted to focus on her and other things, and I would have understood. Instead, you made me look like a goddamn pathetic fool. You let me continue to text you every day and continue to put effort into you and our friendship when it clearly didn't mean as much to you as it did me. I looked like a desperate girl trying too hard for someone who didn't give a shit about me or my feelings. I was so stupid for believing that maybe someday you'd love me too. Love me like I loved you. I'm such an idiot. So no, Jughead, I don't give a fuck that you didn't know about that text message because I was hurting long before that and you didn't care." Y/N's shoulders were shaking, chest heaving. Jughead didn't know what to do it say. He just wanted to pull her close and hold her until all the pain washed away, but he knew that was the last thing he could do in that moment.

"I'm so fucking sorry, Y/N. I never meant to hurt you or make you feel those things. I should have told you how I felt about you from the beginning because my feelings were there. They ARE still here. But I thought it wouldn't work because we lived so far apart. I thought it was impossible that a girl like you would ever feel that way about a guy like me. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you or make you cry. I fell in love with you and I'm so stupid for not telling you. Instead, I ran. I always run. And it's the biggest mistake I've ever made. Because you were my world and I turned my back on you because I didn't want to get hurt." Y/N couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Please, just give me one more chance. This can work. I know it can now. You just have to trust me. Let me make it up to you and show you how much you mean to me. I've never felt this way about anyone. And I can't leave thinking I didn't do everything I could to fix this and give you the world." Jughead was pleading now, moving to sit across from her on her bed. He took her hands in his hesitantly, running his thumbs lightly over her knuckles. The room was quiet, and Jughead felt like his world could fall apart at any second now.

"No, Jughead. I'm sorry, but I can't." Every word was like a stab to his chest. Y/N pulled her hands slowly out of his. "I was giving you that effort a long time ago, and it was never returned, so how am I supposed to trust that I'll get it now? I just can't. You're asking too much of me after what you've put me through."

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