"In the womb" He answers without missing a beat. Mic spit out his coffee tot he side and began laughing. I narrowed my eyes at him and pouted my lips. 

"No but actually" I tried again. This time I could see a small smile form on his face. Honestly if I didn't know him as well as I did, I would just think he's expressing hid distaste, but I know his weird, twisted smile anywhere. 

"I popped out of the womb with a beard and lost it in the war" He said again. I burst out laughing. My body hunched over and I rolled onto the floor as I struggled to inhale. I pounded my fist on the hardwood flooring as I wheezed. 

"Alright. It's time to head to school." Aizawa told us two. Mic and I tried calming down, but when we made eye contact we burst out laughing again. He even snorted which made me laugh even harder and snort to. That continued until we were just on the floor snorting like ducks. 

When the two of us arrived at the school I headed to Nezu's office. 

"I'm baaaack~" I cooed. He looked up from his papers and found my eyes. 

"Ah Ivella. It's good to have you back. How was your vacation?" He asked. 

"It was good. I saw an old friend of my mothers when I visited her grave" I told him. Mr. Bear Man nodded and we began to have a short conversation. 

"Oh before you go back to class I have something for you" Nezu said. I turned back at him in confusion. 

"You're going to need this for your internship. Your last one was ripped and covered in blood so I had the design you submitted put on priority" He said and handed me a silver suitcase with the number 8 on it. I guess this was my new hero costume. 

"Be careful out there. I hope everything goes well. Have a good day Ivella" Nezu said his goodbyes and I left his office to head for 1-A's classroom. 

"We got the normal morning lecture with an extra self defense tactics class. Aizawa had finished going over what to do in hypothetical situations before asking the class questions for a small review. 

"What do you do when a villain has a hand wrapped around your neck?" He asked. Before anyone else could answer I stood up and shouted. 

"MOAN TO THROW HIM OFF!" Aizawa tiredly nodded his head.

"Yes, you moan to- Ivella!" When he realized what he was saying he stopped and yelled my name. 

"That is highly inappropriate for this class!" Iida yelled.

"What a stupid answer dumbass" Bakugo yelled. Since I sat between Denki and Kirishima like an odd tumor in the middle of the classroom, Bakugo had to tilt his head back to look to me. An odd mixture of a scoff and a glare showed on my face. 

"Oh go eat a child Boom Boom Man!" I told him. 

"What did you say Shark Teeth?" Bakugo yelled. His quirk began popping in his palm. I gasped and smiled cutely. 

"Awe. You have a nickname for me to? I knew he were friends" I cooed. Bakugo's face went red from anger and I sucked my lips in trying not to laugh. 

"Fuck off extra!" He screamed. 

"Alright you two settle down" Aizawa chimed. My butt found its ay back to my chair while I pouted. 

The class finally finished the review and we were told to grab our hero suits and head to the front of the school. We all did as told. I looked at my suit case with a complicated look. I honestly didn't know how to feel about this. I would be doing REAL hero stuff. This isn't something I really want to do. 

An Unlikely HeroWhere stories live. Discover now