Pirates of the Caribbean x Reader

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Imagine: Teaching the crew of the Black Pearl about the menstrual cycle (any reader with a period I'm so sorry I'm trying to be better about Gender Neutral stories)


You and the crew mates were sleeping underneath the deck of the Black Pearl. You were laying in your hammock above Ragetti when you heard him whisper below you. "Psst, Y/n?" You furrowed your brows. It was late, and everyone was supposed to be asleep. "What's up, Ragetti?" He paused for a moment. "None of us can sleep." You shuffled and looked around. In fact, not only was everyone awake, but they were all staring at you. "Why not?" "We believe it's because of the Kraken." A few men shuddered. You shook your head in disbelief. "Really? The Kraken? Jack killed that dude ages ago!" "We know, but we still get nightmares about it!" You looked down at Ragetti. "I'm sorry you're having nightmares mate, but what exactly do you want me to do about it?"

"Well, you've been part of the crew for a while, and we don't know much about you or where you come from or what you're like," Pintel said. "And we wouldn't mind learnin about you either." Another pirate chimed. "Well, what'd you wanna know?" "Well, er, we was thinking, being that you're the only one aboard this here vessel with the condition, you could give us a lesson on the species that goes through the... cycle." All of the pirates shook their heads in agreement.

You thought momentarily, "Well, I guess you lot are old enough now, and your mums ain't around to tell you." You moved in your hammock to a sitting position with your legs crossed. "Gather round! Come on, don't be shy!" Everyone exited their sleeping arrangements and huddled around you, sitting as well.

"What exactly do you want to know about it?" You asked. "I heard one woman last time we made port in Tortuga rambling on about the devil comin' to her once every month! Is it true that women 'ave the devil inside of em'?" You started laughing. "Oh my god, no, no, no! She's not talking about the actual devil, more like what happens to her every month..." Everyone looked confused.

"Well, it's like this. Most people with a uterus go through something called a Menstrual Cycle once a month. The days and times it happens can vary from person to person, which is completely normal. What happens is the egg that wasn't fertilized that month exits the person with the uterus' body in the form of blood." "YOU BLEED TO DEATH?" One of the pirates screamed and passed out. "No, silly! You don't bleed to death! There is a lot of blood, and it is definitely more painful than getting swallowed by the Kraken, but you won't die!" You explained. "Having a period is nothing to be ashamed of and it is totally normal." 

As you finished you noticed a few of the crew members start to yawn and others get back into their hammocks and cots. You decided you would end the conversation here before you told them about how you also turn into a sea serpent on your period. "G'night everyone, I hope you all know you can come to me with any questions you ever feel the need to be askin!" And with that, you laid back down and went to sleep listening to the calm ocean. 

The end

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OMG??? I'm back almost three years later????? Woah, so much has changed. About to graduate high school next month, going to college, have a boyfriend, am mentally stable, and am writing again??? THIS IS INSANE!! Sorry for the abandonment for a little bit there! 

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